Monday, March 31, 2014

Back to School

What a wonderful and refreshing break this past week has been!  I am so thankful for the time I was able to relax, rest and work on things around the house.  I accomplished most of my "Spring Break Pipe Dreams" to do list, and it feels great!

I head back to school remembering this verse:  "The Lord is my strength and my shield.  My heart trusts in Him and he helps me."  Psalm 28:7


Friday, March 28, 2014

Spring Break, part 3 (Adventures in Cleaning & Organizing)

So in this post, I'd like to discuss my last few days and what I've accomplished on my "pipe dreams" to do list.  On Monday, I was able to grade my projects and clean the windows.  That was probably my most productive day.  I still have 40 essays to grade, but I know they'll get done... eventually.

Projects graded:  check.
Very dirty windows.  This has literally been on my "to do list" since
we bought the house last May.  Yikes, that's almost a year.  
Another dirty shot.
Room with the windows out.
I cleaned them in the driveway.
And here they are... nice and clean!
My last little touches came with some help from my friendly neighborhood ROSS store.  I was perusing the isles on Tuesday night and came across some pantry storage bins that I loved.  A few weeks ago I was actually looking for some, but eventually gave up.  Tuesday, I just happened to stumble upon these.  I used all of my March budget money to buy storage bins and two candles for the (very LARGE) candle holders my friend gave to me.  Now, I think the living room is complete!

Ahhhhh... an organized pantry.
A blanket basket.  Thank you ROSS!
And finally, candles for the holders.  

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Spring Break, part 2 (Adventures in Sewing)

Spring Break is progressing nicely.  I have enjoyed my time to far and feel very accomplished!  I have several updates, but this post will only address one.

Since Mike was busy working on the living room trim, I started a project of my own.  My friend, Esther, let me borrow her sewing machine on Sunday!  She brought it over and we got to chat and catch up with each other.  It was a nice visit.  She showed me how to make quick and easy pillow covers (which I've been wanting to do for a while now).  It turned into a whole week process rather than a one day thing.  I started the first two on Sunday night and finished up this morning (Thursday).  It's been very easy, enjoyable, and rewarding. 

The fabric wasn't cheap.  Walmart let me down on that end, but I figure since I can take them off and on to wash them, then it should be worth the money.  I used a nice paisley(ish) design that matches the living room curtains for the front, and khaki looking muslin for the backing.  $7.94 a yard for the design pattern, and $4.88 for the khaki. 

I had a total of eight pillows to cover--three small and five larger ones.  Here's how it went down:

First, I needed a sewing machine... thanks Esther!

Next, I cut the back fabric just a little bigger than the pillow itself.
I folded the side that I'd stitch, then...

I ironed it.

Then I sewed a simple stitch on the ironed portion.

Next, I laid out the fabric I planned to use for the front.  Good side facing up.

I made sure that it was about the size of the
existing pillow, so it'd fit nice and snug.

Next, I laid the half sheet of backing (good side facing down)
on top with the stitch toward the middle section.

Then I did the same thing with the other half piece and pinned it.

Here's the fun part once it's all pinned... sew all the way around the square!
I just used one simple stitch about a quarter inch from the edge of the fabric.
The good news is that it doesn't have to be exact since it gets turned inside out anyway :)

Now flip it!


And there you have a simple (and removable) pillow cover!

Here's the pillow stuffed inside.

And the back, for easy removal.

I did the same thing for some small pillows I had as well.   This is all of them together.

I'm loving blues and tans for some reason!

My final picture.  I just love the way these look and match my living room!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Spring Break, part 1 (Adventures in Door Trim)

This is my favorite time of the break [the very beginning].  It's all laid out before me, and I have so much I want to accomplish!  It's a great feeling...

I'm just blessed that I have a break at all.  My poor husband has been working seven twelves since the Super Bowl, and he's had such a good attitude about it.  The hardest thing for him has been not having energy when he gets off work to do the stuff he enjoys.  After working 5:00am to 5:00pm on Saturday, he was able to hop in the ocean for a bit and catch a wave or two, but he said it was too windy.  Well, he got off a little early yesterday (Sunday) and came home around 1pm, surprise!  He was able to use our friends' saws and start the downstairs trim in the hallway.  It looks great!  Of course it still needs to be caulked and painted, but it makes a huge difference already!  I just had to show off his handiwork :)

BEFORE:  without trim

AFTER:  with trim
I can't wait until he does the window above the kitchen sink, the living room window and the two sliding doors!  It's gonna look SOOOO good :)

On another note, Sunday School went well yesterday.  I've been teaching it by myself these last few weeks since Mike has been working.  We've been going through the life of David and talking about how God was with him throughout his whole life.  Last class, we discussed David in Saul's service and using our talents and abilities to glorify God.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."  1 Corinthians 10:31

This week we read all of 1 Samuel 17--the full story of David and Goliath.  I think they knew the story, but it seemed like many of them had never read it straight from the Bible.  Like me at their age, they had probably seen the videos or heard the abridged version.

Our scripture then took on a whole new meaning:  "The Lord is my strength and my shield, my heart trusts in him and he helps me.."  Psalm 28:7a

Lastly, I wanted to share some pictures from our girls' day.  Typically, we have about 6 girls and 6 boys in Sunday School, but only three of the girls made it when we had a get together a few weeks ago.  We had fun though!


Cookie time





And more...

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Spring Break Pipe Dreams

I have Spring Break coming up this week, and I'm very excited to relax and do some things I enjoy.  It may be the last full week I have all to myself before I enter the wonderful new chapter of motherhood. I just hope I have enough energy.  Here's what's on my list so far:

"Must" Do's:
-Grade 40 Lord of the Flies Essays
-Grade 26 Bridge to Terabithia Projects
-Grade 19 Presentations on Ancient Greece/Rome
-Plan my new unit
-Create new seating charts

"Really Want To" Do's:
-Clean the windows in both upstairs bedrooms (wash the jalousies)
-Do a little cleaning inside the house (vacuum, dust, sweep, disinfect)
-Hang curtains in the guest room
-Sew closet coverings for both rooms (hopefully I can borrow Esther's sewing machine!)
-Work on baby room and registry
-Shop for some maternity shorts

"Maybe" Do's:
-Take a trip to Fabric Mart or Walmart
-Find material for baby room decor
-Find material and recover couch pillows (blues & tans)
-Make headboard for our master bedroom... doubt it.
-Look for a low, broad dresser for the nursery
-Pack the hospital bag :)

"Hopefully" Do's:
-Sit by the pool
-Read a good book
-Go to a movie
-Relax at the beach
-Spend time with friends over a good meal
-Bake some fun & yummy Spring treats

We'll see if I can actually make a dent in this list.  Like I said, they might be Pipe Dreams, but at least I have some goals!  Have a wonderful weekend :)

Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday Morning Prayer

"Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, and that he may send the Christ, who has been appointed for you--even Jesus.  He must remain in heaven until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through this holy prophets."  Acts 3:19-21

On this 6th day of Lent, I am reading in Acts about what happened after the death and resurrection of Jesus.  These verses are a good reminder that God does bring times of refreshing, and that he WILL restore everything in his own timing.

Praise God that my acceptance is not merit-based, nor is it measured on good behavior.  I have failed (and continue to fail everyday), yet I am still accepted.  How humbling.

As I ponder parenthood and think of all the things that will come in the next few months, I can't help but desire a deeper relationship with Christ.  Knowing that my relationship with Jesus will be a model for my daughter to follow only humbles me further.  I don't simply want to go through the motions of Christianity and teach her to be a good person.  Rather, I desire to lean on Christ daily.  I pray that he will open her eyes in his perfect timing, and that her heart will be responsive to his call.