Monday, May 15, 2017

Happy Mother’s Day

Family Updates

Happy Mother’s Day

Hey guys. It’s been a while. I’ve been around. Always busy with something, and to be honest, not really in the mood to sit at the computer lately. But today is Mother’s Day. The third one that has celebrated me.  It’s still a weird shift.
As a kid still living at home, it was all about spoiling my mom and finding that perfect gift for her (which I never found by the way). It was about making special cards and rallying the troops (a.k.a. my younger siblings) to make or do something special for her too.
Sometime during college, when I started to pay my own rent and buy my own groceries, shampoo and cleaning supplies, I came to appreciate all that my mom did for me and was still doing for my siblings at home. After I got in an argument with a roommate over who used “my” laundry detergent (love you Mandy), I started to get a glimpse of how my mom felt when we abused our privileges or wasted things she purchased. We took for granted the simplest of provisions. I don’t recall ever (not even once) running out of toilet paper or Q-tips… or not having a clean towel to dry off with.  We always had more than we needed.  And I appreciate that about my mom.  There was never a time that I can remember that she didn’t take care of all our needs and more.  That’s just who she is… always thinking ahead and making preparations for what’s to come.  That’s a trait I gained from her, and one my husband really appreciates as well.  Thank you mom, for who you are and who you taught me to be.  I LOVE YOU.
Being an adult with small children on Mother’s Day has given me a very different perspective on the holiday.  Slightly different than living at home and making crafts.  It has given me a deep love and appreciation for my mother and the ability to understand the kind of love it takes to raise a family.  It’s selfless and hard and sometimes makes you want to scream; yet it’s beautiful and rewarding and fills your heart up in a way you didn’t know was possible. And I’m only three years in!  I can only imagine the kind of emotional roller coaster motherhood will take me on in the years to come… I’ll need lots of prayer, coffee mate, and a giant helping of JESUS!
I love this generational picture of Mema, Mom, Me & Lil. I love these ladies so much!

On a totally separate note, today (May 14th) marks my ten year anniversary of living in Hawaii.  A whole decade you guys. Wow… That’s kind of insane.
The short version… I flew to Oahu with a suitcase and guitar in hand and never looked back. Three years of “camping” on the mountain where I worked, formerly known as Camp Timberline followed by a year of subbing and surfing. Then, after getting married, three years of teaching middle school, followed by three years of full-time momming.  
And here I am.
I can only hope my next decade is as much of an adventure as my last!

God is faithful.  If you would have told me in high school that I’d be living in Hawaii and raising sweet babes this far away from my family, I probably would have laughed in your face.  It wasn’t my plan to be here during this stage of life, but I do believe my relationships with loved ones are just as strong (if not stronger) as when I lived there. We love it here. 
Here’s the most important thing though.  So if you’re reading this, I’m talking to you…
Where ever you are in life or on the map, God wants to use you. Don’t wait for all your ducks to be in a row.  Don’t wait for your kids to hit that next stage in life.  Don’t wait for your finances to be in order.  Make an impact on those around you.  There’s only one of you.  Only one person who does exactly what you do. Choose to be positive. Choose to put Christ first and others a close second. Choose to go the extra mile.  You might never get recognized, but your reward will be in heaven… 
Love all these strong women… and little ladies ðŸ™‚
This is one of my favorite pictures of my girls… blurry and all.