Wednesday, September 23, 2015


I'm continually amazed at how my circumstances and thoughts can so easily dictate my mood.  I can slip into a funk so effortlessly, but I truly can't get myself out of the mire.  It usually takes a good night of sleep for my mood to wear off.

Yesterday was one of those days.  I can't really explain it.  I don't know why I felt this way. I'm not even sure what triggered it, but I felt myself sinking into a pit of self pity for no particular reason.  This morning when I woke up, I decided to have some prayer time.  I asked God to create a clean heart in me and restore or renew a right spirit within me.  Psalm 51:10

I'm so thankful that God is the changer of hearts and moods.  Even though I don't have the power within myself to do that, I serve a God who looks at my ungrateful heart and loves me in spite of it.  I pray today that my interactions with others would reflect God's glory.  I pray that I would take my clean heart and share it with others.