Sunday, December 15, 2013

Short House Update

Well, here are some photos of the house as it's coming along.  I'm hoping to get some before and after pics going here pretty soon, but this was all I could muster up today. 

Carpet was installed on Dec. 6th, and since then we've been slowly unpacking boxes from the garage.  There's not really a rush.  I mean, we've waited for 6 months already, what's a few more? :) 

Here's the master as it looks right now.  Still haven't unpacked
my dresser because we need to look for a new one.  

We put the closet stuff that was up before back up and it works for now.  
It's plenty of space for Mike, but it doesn't come close to housing my stuff, haha!

Here's the baby room now.  Just carpet.  Friends from church
are giving us a crib, so we need to pick that up soon!

The hall as you come up the stairs.

The guest room for now :)

The dining room, right when you come down the stairs.

Un-decorated living room.

From corner, view of kitchen and dining room.

Another shot.
That's all I've got for now.  Maybe once we get a little more settled, I'll take some better pics and do some before and after. It's coming along!  We are very blessed!

Feeling Blessed

I'm sitting here in my newly renovated kitchen, at the island, with spruce candles lit all around me.  Sinatra is singing "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas" in the background, and I'm feeling very blessed!

I would say there's a chill in the air, but by most people's standards 68 isn't chilly.  For Hawaii, that's close to frigid.  Now it's raining, and my hot chocolate in my nutcracker mug tastes better than ever.

This is the first time I've been able to really sit and reflect in my new home.  It's actually quite comfortable now, and I enjoy being here.  I've had such a busy few months since the start of school.  These few moments before church on a Sunday morning are precious to me.

I was feeling a bit under the weather this past week, and had to miss two days of school because of flu symptoms.  Other than the congestion and sinus stuff, I've felt ok since.  I still barely feel pregnant.  Baby is tucked VERY low, so regular clothes are starting to get a little uncomfortable.  I'll soon be investing in some comfortable skirts and modest elastic pants with no shame.

At 15 weeks, I still haven't really had any cravings other than the usual for me -- chocolate.  Mike says he's pretty sure it's not a pregnancy craving, and I think he's right :)  As far as typical pregnancy symptoms, I can't really complain.  Slight queasiness in the first trimester, and aversions to nasty smells.  I also have had a VERY strong gag reflex to just about anything in the mornings, but have only come close to throwing up a few times.

I know I still have 25 weeks to go, but pregnancy hasn't been bad at all.  Usually I forget I'm with child.  I'm barely showing.

Me and my stunnah shades :)  Hard to believe it's December, huh?
On another note, coaching soccer this season has been really fun!  Sometimes I ask myself why I decided to commit to it, but busy seasons come and go.  I'll remember this team for a long time.  Getting to know the girls has been awesome!  And even though we had a losing season, I was able to watch the girls grow individually and as team.  They came together from three different schools and got to know and trust each other quickly.  Here's just a sample of their quirkiness.

Practice - Bun Day Monday
End of season pool party at my house
Good times :)
Coaching solo while Rene' was in AK.  Under the lights at Kamehameha!
Last topic:  HOUSE
Since there's so much to talk about, I'll save that for a separate post.  

I'm so ready for our trip to Florida.  It will be a much needed break from school and wild children.  I'm ready to stand by my sister, Anna, as she commits herself as Steven's wife!  Only a few more weeks, sis!  

Love you, Anna!

Friday, November 29, 2013

A Day of Thankfulness

It’s been so long since my last update.  For anyone who’s following (which is probably nobody at this point), I apologize.  Life has been very busy, and I have been lazy.  I started coaching soccer with a friend from school back in October, so I usually don’t get home until around 7pm every night.  The season goes through December, so only a few more games left!  It’s been a fun experience and I enjoy working with the girls in a setting other than school.  It creates great bonding opportunities, but coaching is a big commitment too. Thankfully, I'm just an assistant coach!

We have finally moved into our house, but haven’t unpacked yet!  The first few weeks of November were a little rough.  We showered outside by the pool.  The water was warm, but the air outside a bit nippy.  Now we are happily showering in our upstairs guest bathroom which has beautiful six inch tiles for the tub surround.  I splurged on a cute shower curtain from Bed, Bath & Beyond and look forward to the day I get to add the finishing touches to everything.  We are still waiting on both the upstairs vanities and have to decide what we plan to do for countertops.  The last thing before carpet is finishing up the master bath tile work. 

The carpet is scheduled to be installed on December 6th, so hopefully all of the construction is finished by then!  Once that’s in, I think it will feel much more like a home rather than a construction site.  We are currently sleeping on an air mattress that we borrowed from someone at our church.  It’s really comfortable, but I can’t wait for carpet!

We are hoping to buy a dishwasher this weekend and an over-the-range microwave.  We’ve decided to wait on a stove and refrigerator.  The white will have to do for now while we save up for stainless steel.  They both work perfectly fine, so it shouldn’t be an issue.  We had our sink hooked up last night too, so I finally have a place to wash dishes now if the issue arises J

There are so many other things that can and will be done eventually: trim throughout, touch up paint, cleaning windows and screens, crafting mirror frames, window coverings, closet and pantry shelving and doors, pressure washing the back pool deck, staining the front door, decorating (everything), etc.   The good news is that none of that is essential to living here.  They are all things we want to do eventually, but can also wait until we save up more money and have more time. 

In addition to decorating and putting the finishing touches on the house, I now have a baby room to think about.  Mike and I found out that we’re expecting a little one in early June!  It’s all very exciting and overwhelming at the same time.  I have been feeling extremely exhausted these past few weeks as the baby is in the cooker.  I wouldn’t say I have morning sickness, but I get queasy when I smell certain things or don’t eat often enough.  I haven’t actually thrown up yet, so that’s good J  I’m thirteen weeks today on this lovely Thanksgiving, and I have so much to be thankful for! 

More news later.  Enjoy the pictures J

Downstairs bathroom before the vanity and toilet.
Baby Wolfe :)
Kinda blurry... but you get the idea ;)

Monday, October 7, 2013

Back to the Island

Vacation is a wonderful thing.  I am so thankful that Mike and I were able to go on vacation and visit his friends and family in the Midwest.

We had a fun-filled week of birthday parties, farmers' markets, football games, holding babies, shopping, playing phase 10 which led to water-breaking, which led to the birth of our friends' first born--a baby boy, driving, visiting Bethel students, driving some more, an Indians baseball game, driving, building a stair rail, picking apples from an orchard, shopping, driving, camping and to cap it off--a beautiful wedding.

We didn't really have a dull day.

Now it's back to work today.  I'm looking forward to seeing my students again and getting back into the grove of things.  It'll probably take me a while to catch up with all the grading and lesson planning, but I'm so thankful I have a job that I enjoy!

Meanwhile, we'll still keep plugging away at our house.  The counter tops are supposed to be installed today.  I'm really excited about that!

I pray that I would be productive today with all that needs to be accomplished.  I pray I would lean on Jesus for my strength and do everything to honor his name.  I pray also for my loved ones that they'd do the same.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Birthday Weekend

I had the most wonderful birthday weekend this year!  My amazing and wonderful husband brought a chocolate cake into my homeroom on Friday.  My kids went nuts.  Chocolate frosting literally flew across the room (landing on the wall).  If you want to make 6th graders go crazy, just show up to class with a large chocolate cake in hand.

Although it was crazy, it was such a nice surprise!

On Saturday, we had the ND game watch at the Chupp's condo in town.  It was fun!  Kim also brought a lovely cake to that event as well, and yep.... you guessed it... I was able to celebrate my birthday all three days of the weekend!

On Sunday, I had a soccer game at 11:00am.  Forty minute halves are killer, but I'm getting in better shape every week!  After soccer, we invited everyone to iTrampoline in Kapolei.  We jumped for an hour and a half, and it was absolutely AWESOME!  Nothing is better than being with a bunch of adults, jumping off the walls (literally), toppling children, participating in slam dunk contests, dodgeball battles, and doing tricks into a foam pits.  Most amazing birthday in a while!

Kitchen Update

Well, the kitchen is finally taking shape.  It's wonderful to see everything come together.  Uncle Frank has been coming and working late nights on the tile.  The tile isn't completely finished in the kitchen, but it was done enough to install the cabinets.

Mike and Ben picked up the cabinets last Wednesday, and then Mike and I installed the wall cabinets on Friday evening.  Jordan and Ben helped Mike install the ground cabinets on Saturday morning.

The hardest part is making sure everything's level.  Mike bought a DeWalt self-leveler (of course) to do the job.  I'm so proud of him!

Unfortunately, the countertop estimate didn't go so well.  The guy couldn't measure because the tops of the cabinets can't be more than an eighth of an inch off in a space less than ten feet.  We spent hours leveling and shimming it again Monday night, so he's coming back tomorrow.  I'm hoping we can move forward!

Mike's family of drills:  the pre-drill, the counter sink, and the main event.
Uncle Frank's handiwork, partially grouted.
We started with the corner wall box, clamped and drilled.  This is a craft of precision.
The first boxes up on the wall.
Laser level with tripod for accuracy.
Mike in deep thought :)
This whole wall is installed!
Installing the final cabinets.
Everything but the island.
Everything is in.  Now we need the counter tops!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Starting Strong

Jesus, be my strength today.  I pray for patience in the classroom, and joy in my spirit. Help me accomplish what I must before our trip, and not be so one track-minded that I miss opportunities to love others.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Caught up in the Busyness

Like most people I know, I've felt very overwhelmed lately.  There are things pressing upon me from every angle, and even more things that I feel I should be doing.  The pang of guilt is something that I experience every time I'm not able to help with something or commit to help with something.

I honestly don't know how people with children keep their lives composed at all.  I don't have kids yet, and I feel so overwhelmed.  I must lean on Jesus.

There's a saying I remember my youth pastor, Todd Shaw, often say back when I was in high school.  He would remind us that if we were too busy to spend time with God in prayer or reading his word, then we were too busy in general.  The phrase goes like this:  "If you're too busy for God, you're too busy."

To this day, I can relate.  Even sitting down at the computer and trying to compose a post is hard to do these days.  My mind wanders and begins thinking of all the things I "should be doing" and I get side- tracked from what I'm actually doing.  I think they call that A.D.D.

Anyway, this post isn't supposed to be about me rattling off all the things I'm doing or involved with or committed to.  This is a reminder to myself that I need to fix my eyes on Jesus--the author and finisher of my faith.  The author of Hebrews says it best in Ch. 12:

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.[a] Because of the joy[b] awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne. Think of all the hostility he endured from sinful people;[c] then you won’t become weary and give up. After all, you have not yet given your lives in your struggle against sin."

Jesus, I thank you for not giving up on me or on the sinful world we live in.  I pray that I would honor you with my lips and with my life.  Take away desires that aren't from you.  Give me a spirit of compassion.  Help me to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Kitchen is Coming Along!

We spent a lot of time on the house this weekend.  We had to turn down numerous exciting activities with friends, but the house MUST get finished.  The only way that's going to happen is if we push it into high gear.  I have to say that it has come a very long way though.  I'm really excited to see the finished project and look forward to cooking some amazing meals in my brand new kitchen.

I am so thankful for the people that have come to help us work these last few weeks:  Kim, Jordan, Henry (although it was a stealthy job), Ben, Sabine, Luke, Brooke, and Bain.  It's coming along!  From the time we did the first coat of primer, it has taken us about a week to paint the entire inside of the house--that includes every room and ALL the trim upstairs.  I'm pretty happy with the outcome.

Here are some pictures of the down stairs, kitchen mostly.  I'll save the upstairs for another post.

Stripped down to the bones; you can sort of see the pantry on the left side.
Here it is with the drywall up.  Not taped yet.
Drywall and tape.
Drywall, tape and texture.
Drywall, tape, texture, and paint.
Hopefully soon I'll have a picture of the cabinets installed.  The sad part is that I think we'll have to wait on new appliances for now.  We're running out of money...  

In the next post, I'll try to capture the essence of the upstairs and the colors I chose.

Our tangerines are ready to eat!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Forgiveness Friday

I woke up this morning feeling more refreshed than I've felt in a while.  I think it has to do with the fact that I went to sleep at 8:45.  I should try that more often!

I realized last night with a pounding headache that I didn't post my Thankful Thursday blog.  I figured it'd be all right since I'm calling this one Forgiveness Friday.

I'll start with the things in front of me that I'm thankful for:  my cup of coffee, not having a headache, the fact that it's Friday, and the weather (right now at least) is brisk and cool.

Yesterday was not hard, but it was rougher than usual.  I woke up feeling awful, I was zoned out most of the day at school, mounds of paperwork are piling up on my desk, some students frustrated me with their sassy attitudes, other students frustrated me with their questions, we had a meeting after work that just rubbed everyone the wrong way, it took 30 minutes to get the paint I needed from Home Depot, and I left the house in Makakilo after dark (which I don't like).  In all of this, what did I do?  I complained, I whined (like I'm doing now),  gossiped after the meeting at work, I took Advil and slept.  What I didn't do was cry out to Jesus and pray.  Forgive me, Lord.

You know the awesome part about yesterday though?  It happened, and today is a NEW day.  I will choose to see the positive in people and circumstances today!  It also helps that it's Aloha Friday.

Here are a few things I haven't mentioned, but that I'm truly thankful for in the past few weeks:

  • Jordan and Henry installing our new sliding door in the back (as a surprise)
  • Hillarie and Jacob Clark welcoming baby Benjamin into the world on Tuesday
  • My sister, celebrating her 21st birthday on Tuesday also
  • Camping two weekends in a row with our friend, Leigh
  • The drywall being completely finished in our house and painting well underway
  • Sabine, Ben, Jordan and Kim for willingly coming to help us paint
  • Our junior high Sunday School class that's been a joy to teach so far
Here are some verses that speak of community and our part in it.  May you be encourage just as I have been.

Hebrews 10:25 
Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Romans 12:10
Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.
Ephesians 4:32
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Romans 15:5
May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus,
Ephesians 4:29
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
Deuteronomy 15:10
Give generously to him and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the LORD your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.
I hope anyone who is reading this has a wonderful day!  I'll be posting more pics of the house progress very soon.  Have a wonderful Friday!!  Walk as though you're forgiven, and rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Camping at Peacock Flats

Our friend, Leigh Suggs, has been visiting from Indiana this week.  We've had a busy week.  School started for me, so the kids are back, and we went camping both weekends!  Here are some pics from Peacock Flats where we camped last night.  It was an adventure, but the CRV made it.



Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Today, I'm thankful for:

  • Forgiveness
  • My Husband and his heart
  • My Friends
  • My Co-Workers
  • My Students

School has commenced and it was so wonderful being bombarded by my students who are now in high school and missing middle school life.  I know they'll adjust, but it's always nice when they stop by and scare all my current 6th graders who just moved up from elementary!  This is for them:

8th graders last year before end of the year field trip!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Today, I am thankful for:
  • The community I am a part of at IPA--the faculty and the students
  • My hard-working husband who has been working tirelessly on our new home to get it move-in ready
  • My hanai sister, Lilia Tau'a, who's going off to college in a few days!
  • A brand new day!
  • Spiritual Encouragement... see below...

Christ suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God. (1 Peter 3:18)
The gospel is the enjoyment of fellowship with God himself...
  • We are forgiven so that our guilt does not keep us away from God.
  • We are justified so that our condemnation does not keep us away from God.
  • We are given eternal life now, with new bodies in the resurrection, so that we have the capacities for enjoying God to the fullest.
“In your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore” (Psalm 16:11).
Taken from Solid Joys, a ministry of Desiring God and John Piper.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Two Windows and a Pantry

We've been working on the house little by little every day.  Sometimes I forget how much we've accomplished because all the "BIG" projects are finished.  We have, however, been busy installing windows, ripping down MORE drywall, mudding Durock, building shower pans, framing a pantry and closet, and maintaining the yard/pool.

I thought I'd post some pictures showcasing the two windows and the pantry.  Here is the large picture window we took out.  I had to post a before picture.  I know some of you are thinking that the bathroom looks fine, even really nice... but there were some many things wrong with the way this was installed.  Here are the top reasons we wanted to remodel this downstairs bath:

  1. The jet tub leaked and there was no way to access the leak
  2. There was a giant picture window opening up to the pool
  3. There was an engraved family portrait of the previous owners IN THE TILE
  4. It was not going to be functional for us or our guests after swimming
  5. It was not our taste or style AT ALL!

A reminder of what it once was.  We actually might have kept
it this way for a while if the plumbing wasn't so jacked up.
Gotta love this sink.
So here it is gutted with the window out.
Practicing my "mime" skills.
Framing out the opening for the new window.
New window installed.
Mike framing the shower.  He did a great job!
A more functional bathroom ready for Durock and drywall.

Now for the large picture window in the living room.  It was nice and big, but it was original (25 years old).  So, we decided it was time for an update.  We got rid of the jalousies at the bottom, and framed it out, then bought a 96 x 48 window to take it's place.  Here are the pics:

The window that we removed.
We took the glass panel and jalousies out first.
Then we took the whole thing out :)
The boys framing out the lower wall.
Almost ready for the window.
Window in.
Inside view.  
And last in this post, is the framing of the pantry.  As you can see, we had to take down ALL of the drywall downstairs.  Ironically, it's a little easier to picture now that it's just studs:

This is where the pantry will go.