Monday, October 7, 2013

Back to the Island

Vacation is a wonderful thing.  I am so thankful that Mike and I were able to go on vacation and visit his friends and family in the Midwest.

We had a fun-filled week of birthday parties, farmers' markets, football games, holding babies, shopping, playing phase 10 which led to water-breaking, which led to the birth of our friends' first born--a baby boy, driving, visiting Bethel students, driving some more, an Indians baseball game, driving, building a stair rail, picking apples from an orchard, shopping, driving, camping and to cap it off--a beautiful wedding.

We didn't really have a dull day.

Now it's back to work today.  I'm looking forward to seeing my students again and getting back into the grove of things.  It'll probably take me a while to catch up with all the grading and lesson planning, but I'm so thankful I have a job that I enjoy!

Meanwhile, we'll still keep plugging away at our house.  The counter tops are supposed to be installed today.  I'm really excited about that!

I pray that I would be productive today with all that needs to be accomplished.  I pray I would lean on Jesus for my strength and do everything to honor his name.  I pray also for my loved ones that they'd do the same.