Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Lily Turns SIX


You are a true joy to know and mother. You have an excitement for life that is contagious! You also have a very clear view of right and wrong and almost always want to do what is right. That makes me so proud. You like things spelled out and defined in a clear way. You thrive on rules, routine and structure and "sticking to the plan." 

You strive to help with a happy heart when asked to do a task or help one of your sisters. You are doing so well at hiding God's Word in your heart.  Daddy and I are so proud that you finished your first SPARKS book for AWANA this year, plus your review! You continue to amaze us with your understanding of scripture and how stuff works. It's been determined that you have a mind like your daddy--logical, practical and efficient--though you're veeeerrrryy slow at brushing your teeth and getting ready for bed lately! 

You haven't lost any teeth yet, but your two bottom teeth are growing in already and starting to make the baby teeth in front slightly loose.  Hopefully the dentist will have some ideas moving forward!

You did a wonderful job in your first year of school as a kindergartner. Though distance learning wasn't our favorite, you made the best of it and we enjoyed having you home with us for the last part of the school year.

LIKES: special time with just mommy or daddy, play dates with friends, Monkey and Nala, gymnastics, Adventures in Odyssey, coloring, taking pictures (being the photographer), swimming and swinging, playing in the culdesac with the Murphys, riding bikes, roller skating, helping in the kitchen, watching shows like Molly of Denali or Finding Stuff Out, eating spam musubis, anything related to bread (french toast, waffles, pancakes, garlic bread, etc.), bacon, corn dogs, Costco pizza, dry cereal and chips.  

DISLIKES: brushing hair, brushing teeth, cleaning the van, cleaning the playroom, putting on sunscreen, being rushed to eat breakfast, talking on FaceTime when you're not in the mood, Emma telling you what to do, Cary pushing you out of the shower outside, and sisters using your stuff without asking. 

You turned six last Tuesday, and we had a fun filled week of celebration despite the Coronavirus.  The day started with our sweet girl birthday girl coming down the stairs to your gifts from the family wrapped and on the dining room table.

Once the gifts were opened, we had our traditional birthday tea party breakfast of hot chocolate, cinnamon rolls and scrambled eggs. Daddy was able to go into work late to celebrate with us on the morning of your actual birthday!

After breakfast and presents, we packed up and headed to the beach! You wanted to go to Zablan in Nanakuli so you could jump off the rock. The swell was a little too big to jump from the rock on the backside, but you and all your friends had a blast in the surf! We took a picnic lunch and cupcakes to share :)

On Saturday, June 6th, we had a little pool party in the backyard for a few close family friends. You requested that the theme be "The Sound of Music."

I wasn't exactly sure how to incorporate this theme besides playing the sound track all day, but you helped me get creative!

The girls helped sprinkle the cupcakes for the party and add the Oreos on top!
You and Em helped me "sprinkle" the cupcakes and add the Oreos on top!

We did a chalk by word art on the wall... Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do

It was such a beautiful morning getting set up for the party.

We told you kids that you couldn't come in the back yard while we were setting up.

The table cloth and flowers are supposed to be Sound of Music-y :)

Fun musical cookies for the guests!


Cary and Brady admitted to messing up my sign.
I guess that's what 2 year olds (and 4 year old boys) do...

We had unbreakable water balloons, and a water slide.

Our friends supplied the tents and tables once again.

Love this view...

Cary mean muggin' the fun.

Action shots.

Sister slide...

Apparently, we put the slip n slide away slightly wet last time, so there was mold.
Ewwww. Dad and Uncle Alex to the rescue!

Let the chalk art commence!

My Birthday Girl :)

Fun on the swing set!

Fun in the pool!

ALL the kiddos :)

Kiddie pool fun!

Fun in the sun!

Fun in the warm shower!

Birthday Cupcakes :)

The super stoked lawn boy -- Mr. Pikey!

It was a fabulous day and a fabulous party. So excited we could celebrate YOU! I look forward to the many new and exciting events you'll experience as you grow. God is telling a BIG, gigantic story. I'm excited to see what role you'll play in his grand plan to redeem and call people to Himself. Love you bunches :)