Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Sitting in Silence

I recently read a blog about how serving our children, is like serving God himself.  

Matthew 25:40 says, “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Many days I need reminding that I'm right where I need to be.  Bringing Glory to our Savior through things that may seem trivial.  But if my heart is in tune to God's praise, nothing is off limits.

The cooking
the cleaning
the shopping
the play time
the messy feedings
the diaper changes
Yes, even the meltdowns

I'm doing it all for God's glory.  I find great joy in knowing that.  

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."  
1 Corinthians 10:31

As Christians, everything we set out to do can be done for God's glory.  As I sit here in silence this Wednesday morning, I pray that I will be reminded of that throughout the day.  That my actions, words and attitude will point to Christ.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Another Beautiful Day

A snapshot I want to always remember.
God is so good.  Too many times I don't believe that statement.  HE IS GOOD.  I base his goodness on how I'm feeling or the circumstances in my life.  I turn myself into the judge of God's love for his people.  Who am I to do such a thing?

So yes, God is good, but not because I had a good week.  Not because everything worked out for me.  Not because my life is easy or because I really enjoy my family and don't have to work.  God is good because that is truth.  A truth I'll be lucky to remember if I ever stumble off this mountain top.

Yesterday, I shared a devotional with the middle school Sunday school class.  It happened to be all boys that day... six of them.  And I realized that I'm not even practicing what I preach.  We talked about what it means to have a relationship with God.  What is a relationship anyway?  What does that look like?  Time, communication, care, love, physical touch, etc.  These were some of the answers they came up with.  It seems logical, right?  Sure, easy even.  So why is it such a struggle to give God what he deserves?  Why can't I give God my time?  Why is it so hard to focus on him?  What am I missing?  Does it all boil down to spiritual discipline?  I'll let you know when I figure that one out.

Until that day, I just have to rest in the fact that HE IS GOOD.  His will is perfect, and he allows me to stray... but he always brings me back.  For that, I am thankful.

God, keep me close to you.  I pray that with each step I take, I'd lean more on you and less on myself.  I'm praying Proverbs 3:5-6.  Help me to trust in you with all of my heart (not just part of it).  I don't want to lean on my own understanding (because I don't truly understand anything).  Help me to acknowledge you in all my ways (even when I don't think it matters to you).  Please direct my path.  Today, tomorrow, and everyday.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Free to Struggle

Hallelujah! We are free to struggle. We're not struggling to be free...

As I've watched my daughter learn to walk these past couple of weeks, I have been inspired by her progress.  We don't learn to walk in one fell swoop.  It's a process.  It's a struggle.  First, she stood with support, and then she started standing without support.  Next, she'd try a step, fall down and revert to crawling... then she'd try again.  She still falls often, but now she's taking multiple steps on her own.  She's learning to master art of walking, by taking baby steps (literally).

Watching her got me thinking about my spiritual walk.  Oftentimes, I revert back to crawling in the sense that I feel comfortable with it.  I don't want to struggle, so I do what I know.  I keep to myself, don't offer a helping hand, don't mention my faith in Christ to others, and don't acknowledge his presence in my life.  I do what's easy--crawling.  Now, I know that's not what saves me.  Obviously, Christ did that work.  Today, Good Friday, is the day we recognize that very fact.  But I feel like he desires more from us if we're able to give it.  Why crawl, when you're capable of walking?    

These lyrics from the band, Tenth Avenue North, encouraged me this morning. The beauty of trying is that we're not struggling for our freedom, but we're taking steps of faith because that's what God has called us to do.  We may fall.  We may trip.  We may even struggle in this life.  But thank the Lord we're not struggling to earn our salvation--God already covered that.  

You are free to struggle as you walk out your faith!  Take risks.  Step outside your comfort zone every now and then.  Share someone else's burden.  Just remember that you're free to struggle, you're just not struggling to be free.

"From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked."  -Luke 12:28

Happy Easter.  He has risen!