Monday, May 30, 2016

Weekly Update #2

May 21st - May 27th, 2016

I can barely remember what we did last week.  That's how much of a mom brain I have.  Let me think really hard, and I know it'll come to me...

Ok, last Saturday we went for a nice walk in the neighborhood.  Lily pushed her baby until she got tired and wanted me to hold them both.  

Emma had her first full Mum Mum.  She loved it!

We went to Breeana's Grad Party.  It was a ton of fun!  Photo booth, friends, delicious food, a raffle (where we won a blue tooth speaker), and even a magician!  Lily had fun playing with Charlee all night and eating WAAAAAAY too much sugar...

On Sunday we after church we went to Ko Olina with our friends Alex and Ayaka.  They took their son in the ocean for the first time!  That afternoon, Lily served tea to her friends ;)

Monday morning was spent baking cupcakes.  Then, we went to Costco and came home to make dinner for some friends who just had a baby.  

Tuesday morning we hosted Surf Club at White Plains and then played in the pool with daddy after nap time.  

Wednesday we stayed home all day and probably watched too much TV.  Then on Thursday we went to the park for Emma's 2015 playgroup.  But the older siblings pretty much stole the show. 

Friday morning we headed up to North Shore for a Bday celebration.  Zari turned 5, and Josiah turned 2.  Although Lily was super whiny that day, we had a nice time hanging out with friends at the beach.  

Lily played so hard she crashed out on the way home.  And that was our week!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Weekly Update #1

May 14th - May 20th, 2016

So I'm going to try to keep a log of what we do each week from now to the end of the year.  Only 6 months right?!  

Well, last week Saturday we went to North Shore for a friend's birthday.  It was a bust due to the rain.  We made the decision to wait until after nap time to head up there... and we paid for it.  We were cold and wet, but we made the best of it.

Later that evening we went straight to Aloha Stadium for Campbell High's graduation.  Kids grow too quickly!!  Both of these girls were like 8 or 9 when I moved here.  Yikes!  Congrats girls.  Best of luck in life's next chapter...

Danielle.  Literally one of the very first kids I met in Hawaii 9 years ago.
She was running wild with her brothers in their backyard at Camp Timberline :)
Breeana.  Jordan's niece who I've watched grow up as well.  She gives the best foot rubs :)

Sunday was spent in Makaha with family friends and a little beach time at Yoks.  On Monday, we checked out Green World Coffee in Wahiawa for the first time.  Fun play time and yummy coffee with friends! Then, we hosted Pool Party Potluck on Tuesday at our house for MOMS Club.  On Thursday, we went hiking in Moanalua Valley with Toddler Treks, and called for birds.

Discovered an old chimney.
Got rained on.
Explored an uprooted tree.
Called the birds.
Double babies.
Emma's hiking feet.  Makes me proud :)
Then Mommy got a new phone, Lily got a mattress, and we played Catan with friends on Friday night.  Oh, and we moved the girls into the same room with each other... and shampooed all the carpets. Whew...
First night together :)

Friday, May 20, 2016

Or Maybe There Wasn't Lightning at All

To those friends who are following the news of our recent break-in: I have a slightly embarrassing, yet highly encouraging update. This morning as I was getting my double stroller set up to take a walk in the neighborhood, I FOUND MY WALLET! I must have left it in the umbrella part when it got folded up on Monday. So this means that my wallet WAS NOT stolen. However, the screen door being wide open is still a mystery... Perhaps my mom brain did leave it open the night before, who knows now... I want to believe that no one was in my home, but I'm still going to be extra cautious when it come to locking up. 

The lesson remains: 
1) lock up 
2) love your enemies 
3) take four forms of ID to the DMV if you need a replacement license and 
4) be able to swallow your pride if you are wrong

Have a fabulous weekend ALL!!

Thursday, May 19, 2016


I know they say that lightning doesn't strike twice in the same place.  Try telling that my racing heart.  Yesterday morning at this exact time I'm typing now, someone came into our home through the back sliding door and stole my wallet.  This was after Mike had left for work, but before I woke up with the girls.  Sometime between 4:30 and 6:30am.  Someone who was uninvited came into our backyard (probably hopped a fence), opened the back screen door and roamed the downstairs (I hope that's all) before leaving with my wallet. You could say I'm slightly freaked out--even now.

Suffice to say that I couldn't fall back asleep after Mike left for work this morning.  I had a hard time coming down the stairs too.  Every sound, every shift, every time the wind blew at the front doors... I shuttered in fear.  That's when I decided it was time for coffee and blogging and PRAYER--lots of prayer.

Of course I have my theories, but they're just that.  Was someone watching our house and knew when Mike would leave?  Was it a stranger or someone who's been here before?  A kid?  Did they get scared or hear Emma crying?  Is that why they left the screen door wide open and grabbed one of my knives off the kitchen counter only to put it back in the wrong way?  How did they know to look in the diaper bag for my wallet?  Did they see it sitting on top of the washer?  Why didn't they take this laptop or the tablet?  Yep, makes me think they definitely hopped the fence for a quick get-away.  So many questions...

Yes, we learned our lesson.  We're locking up from now on.  We won't be the easiest target anymore.  Sadly, we won't leave our sliding door open when we're upstairs to let the cool island breeze air out our house.  But that doesn't help the fact that it happened and it's creepy.  Our backyard.  Our safe haven.  Our private place where we felt so secure was taken away (for now).  We'll get it back.  No one was harmed and I'm so thankful for that.

It's 5:30 now and getting light already.  So, there was a very small window to sneak around in the darkness.  But darkness does that.  If you're doing wrong, it gives you a sense of security, that all your wrongs won't be found out... but they will.  Maybe not this side of heaven, but you'll be exposed.  You, me... the person who stole my wallet.  There will be no hiding.

That's a sobering fact.

The Bible says to love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.  Only I've never felt like I had any enemies, until now.

So whoever you are, where ever you are.  I forgive you.  I'm praying for you.  I pray that God stirs your heart toward repentance and that you feel the guilt of your sin, but more so that you experience God's undeserved grace given to sinners like you and me.  And that you'll share your testimony one day of how God grabbed your heart after you stole someone's wallet.  That's my prayer and my hope.

Lock your houses folks.  And love your enemies :) And when you're getting a new license at the DMV, make sure to bring at least four other forms of ID.  That's right... FOUR.

Thankful/Throwback Thursday.  The backyard has come a long way though...

1 Thessalonians 5English Standard Version (ESV)

The Day of the Lord

Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers,[a] you have no need to have anything written to you. For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. But you are not in darkness, brothers, for that day to surprise you like a thief. For you are allchildren[b] of light, children of the day. We are not of the night or of the darkness. So then let us not sleep, as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober. For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, are drunk at night. But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, and for a helmet the hope of salvation. For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, 10 who died for us so that whether we are awake or asleep we might live with him.11 Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

Monday, May 16, 2016

The Best of April

Better late than never.  Here are my favorite pictures from the month of April before we left for Indiana.  We had a fun filled month with friends who visited, a beautiful wedding, a few fun hikes and several beach excursions!

Me and the hubs at #juryak wedding.

Lovely ladies at Kai and Alex's wedding.

Lily on North Shore

Happy Emma girl.

Jordan and Emma.
PC: Jared S.

Emma and Izzie :)
PC:  Jared S.

PC: Jared S.

Pretty Lily.
PC: Jared S.

Cruising on North Shore with friends.
PC:  Jared S.

Adventures with daddy!

Hiking with Lily.

Exploring Lake Wilson.

Surf Club with friends.

My beach beauty.

Hiking with Auntie Lahela.

Lily's Beiber hair :)

My cuties :)

Izzie and Emma.

Lily and Quinn playing pirates.

Sweet Emma and her springy animals.  
PC:  Colleen R.

Sweet Pea
PC:  Colleen R.

PC:  Colleen R.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

My Morning Joy

I'm so thankful for this little bundle.  She brings me an abundance of JOY :) And that hair.  Wow.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Indiana in the Spring

We just got back from our trip to the mainland and Emma is already 4 months old!  It really is hard to believe how fast time flies these days.  I'm sure I'll be saying that for the rest of my life.

I want to be a more consistent blogger, but sometimes things get a little busy.  I recently met a girl in MOMS Club who has an amazing blog.  Like it's legit with sponsors and everything.  I don't think I want all that, but she has inspired me to be a little more consistent in my blogging.  At least once a week, even if it's a short blurb.  

Here are my favorite pics from the trip:

So, this may not look that special... but it reminds me of how funny it was that we had the exact same car seat (by chance) and how Suz loved my nursing cover so much that she bought the exact same one, and that everywhere we went we rolled with the double stroller and people thought the babies were twins (understandable as they are only 2 days apart)!
This is such a cool picture because it was Lily's first time wearing rain boots and a rain jacket!
Also, her first time playing with an umbrella.  She looked so cute :)
So this is from the morning we arrived and their first photo shoot together.  I love the faces :)
This picture is at the courthouse in Crown Point after getting Chemshaw donuts.
The most delicious donuts EVER!  It's special because it's of our sweet girls and their daddies (and I love Ruby's cape)!
This picture is so special!  It was a awesome day at Lemon Lake.. We packed a picnic lunch and
played on the playground for hours.  It was a beautiful day and Jeff was able to join us on his lunch break!
Another beautiful day.  This was taken out in the front yard.  Jeff was mowing the lawn and the
older girls were playing with chalk.  Neighbor kids were being funny and it was just a good time...
and let's not forget about the awesome Beatles blanket ;)
This was a wonderful memory!  Ahhhh, what a beautiful wedding!!  Leigh and Alisa Suggs had the
most adorable wedding and it was such a fun time dancing, photo boothing, and most enjoyable
spending an evening out with NO kids.  Thanks to Suzu's parents and sister, JoAnna!
This reminds we of the wonderful friends we have in Indiana.  I'm so thankful for Mike's high school
friends and their awesome wives.  I really enjoy getting together with them each time we visit.
We didn't get a chance to meet up with Spencer and Heather, but we did have a nice dinner with Todd
and Julie.  Lily played so well with all the kids!  This is at Bellaboos.  Love these girls: Suzanna, Ashley, and Brianne :)
We had a stressful time deciding to go and getting to Chicago, but looking back I'm so glad we went.  It was cold and rainy so we couldn't really walk around much, but we ate at Giordano's and walked around Navy Pier.  Thanks to my sister for pushing us to go. We probably would have gone without her insistence... Love my mom and sister!
This picture is SOOOO special!  Emma was born on my grandma's birthday.  The two birthday girls
were finally able to meet and it brought joy to my heart!  I love Mema and Emma so much!
Anna looks so natural as an auntie!  She's so good with babies and children.  So glad she
was able to come and visit with her nieces.  I know she loves them so much!
I like this picture because it just looks so natural.  As natural as it can look when you're visiting your
daughter/granddaughter at her husband's brother's house in a different state.  And I love my brother
and sister-in-law for being so welcoming to my family.
This was a great time together at the dairy farm.  I will always remember
watching a calf being born with this amazing group!
I really love babies!  Especially family.  Cousins, and cousins' cousins.
There could not be a cuter picture of these three!  It was fun to spend the day in
Fort Wayne with my good friend, Kim, and her family.  My Hawaii friend...
Again, what a fun day at the zoo!  My Hawaii sister, Kim, and her sister, Sarah.  Since neither of
us have a sister on the island, you have to have fill-ins :)  So neat to let the
girls play together (even though Lily was a grumpy mess while we stayed with them).
I LOVE this picture.  Lily just adores her uncle Jeff!  And for good reason...
He is such a good daddy and uncle, just like his big brother ;)
Another of my favorites because it's so surreal.  Meet Eleanor -- my friend Chelsey's daughter.  A friend I met in Hawaii. Also Ryan's daughter... my childhood friend and brother to my best friend -- Ashley!  Small world, huh?