Monday, September 29, 2014

Paint and Parties

This month has been a hot one.  Football season has commenced, and in the Wolfe household that means we [loosely] plan our weekends around the schedules of the fighting Irish and the Chicago Bears.  I married a devoted football follower, so I may as well embrace it, right?  The best part about Notre Dame games is watching them with other people.  And that usually means food, fun and wet children running in and out of the house!  We love hosting, and we are very fortunate to have a pool that lures people over during these hot months.  

Pool basketball is also back and the "boys" get very invested in the game.  We feel so blessed to have the "things" we have, but even more fortunate to have such a strong community of friends to share them with.

Just a little friendly game...
Jamie and Lily

Matea and Miko
In other news, we got our house painted--finally!  No more ugly peach.  A few months ago, we also got our roof re-coated with this stuff that reflects the sun.  Here are a few shots of the exterior.  We're still waiting on solar, HECO is dragging their feet.  They basically don't want to approve people because they're losing money on the monopoly they have in Hawaii.  Hopefully we can cash in on the federal tax credit before it expires, but it's all still a big question mark.  I thought I'd include some before and after photos for effect.

Peach house and deck, old windows, no water in pool...
Water in pool, new windows, power-washed deck, but still peach...
Fully functional and painted a pretty green :)
Here's the view from the front :)

Monday, September 15, 2014

Birthday Blog

First family hike :)
I can't believe I'm 30 years young!  Wasn't I just making dirt balls and riding bikes in my neighborhood a little bit ago?!  God has blessed my life abundantly, and I am so grateful for his love.  I am thoroughly enjoying this season as a new mommy, and I'm so thankful that my husband cheerfully supports our family so I can stay home with our little love bug.  I'm also thankful to my  wonderful mother for loving me and raising me so that I can be a great mother to Lily.

Me and my beautiful mother - 1984
30 years later.  Me and my sweet Lily - 2014
This past year has been a whirlwind.  We finished renovating our house (almost), moved in, decorated (slightly), and had a beautiful baby girl.  I couldn't ask for more!  I still have to take life one day at a time though.  Otherwise, I'll stress out thinking about stuff I don't need to stress about.  

Lily is still a pistol.  She has such a personality for a three month old.  She's so alert and aware of her surroundings.  Lately, she hates her car seat and throws tantrums if she's overly tired.  We've already begun the child training process using a stern voice when she throws fits.  It's not easy or fun, but hopefully with time and as she begins to understand more, she will obey cheerfully.  

All in all, I am having a wonderful 30th birthday.  I look forward to rocking my 30's and embracing the journey God has me on with my husband and daughter.  House pics to come on my next blog...

"Even a child is known by his actions, 
by whether his conduct is pure and right."
Proverbs 20:11