Sunday, December 27, 2015

Emma's Birth Story

It's been just about five days since I gave birth to sweet baby Emma.  We are still in the adjustment phase of having two girls so close in age, but we are taking it one day at a time.  God is faithful in giving me the strength and energy I need when I need it.  I know I couldn't do this without his grace.  I am also very thankful and blessed that Mike is able to take so much time off from work to be home with us. 

I have this rare moment of quiet and calm right now.  It's like Lily transformed into a big girl overnight, literally.  Anyway... Mike just put her down for her nap, and I just fed Emma.  I'm hoping she will drift off to sleep soon herself.  I sent Mike off to go surfing for a bit, hoping he can have a few moments to himself to relax and reflect on life.  Staying home is a big adjustment for him too!  And taking care of Lily 24/7 is no easy task!  Things are semi-tidy and I have the Yule Log on with Christmas music playing in the background. There's also the scent of pine Glade air freshener floating in the air.  Like I said, this is a rare moment!!  As I did with Lily's birth, I wanted to record the day's events since they are still fresh in my mind.  

So far, she is a doll and such a beautiful blessing!  She graced us with her presence on December 22, 2015 at 7:43pm.  She was 6 pounds, 14 ounces, and 20.5 inches long.  She came out in record time with a whirlwind of a story for me to tell!  I can't tell you how happy I am that she shares her birthday with my grandma.  What a special thing!

Lily with her Gigi and Pepa.  Hopefully Emma gets to meet them soon :)
I was scheduled for my 39 week appointment in Mililani at 10:45am on Tuesday morning, the 22nd.  Mike planned to leave work at 9am.  Then, he would come home and drive Lily and I to the appointment.  Meanwhile, there was a MOMS Club event at Makakilo Park that morning.  Since it's just a two minute drive down to the park, I decided to take Lily to play with her friends and get some energy out before our appointment.  Before we went to the park, I called to wish Mema (my maternal grandmother) a happy 82nd birthday.  We talked about all kinds of things and I told her it would have been nice if Emma was born on her birthday, but I didn't think that was going to happen.  At that point, I knew I was still sitting at 3cm, but didn't really feel any tightness or any contractions.  I had been at 3cm for two weeks and felt the same, so I had no idea if she'd come before or after Christmas.  Part of me hoped she'd come afterward so she wouldn't have to share in all the hustle and bustle of the week before Christmas for all her birthdays to come.  The other part of me thought it would be awesome if she shared a birthday with her great grandma, Caryann.  Dec. 22nd and Dec. 28th were the only dates I had in my head for some reason, even though her expected due date was Dec. 30th.  

Mike came home, and we left for Mililani around 10am.  I hadn't decided whether I wanted the Dr. to strip my membranes.  It was something we had discussed at a previous appointment, but I hadn't made the decision yet.  I decided to wait and see if there was any change from 3cm and go from there. With Lily, I had the Dr. strip my membranes at 39 weeks exactly.  She was born 5 days later.  

We arrived at the clinic and saw Dr. Kawelo.  She said I had definitely progressed from the previous week and was now about 4cm dilated.  Because there was a change, I had her go ahead and strip the membranes.  It's really not as crazy as it sounds.  She basically explained that it's loosening things up down there by slightly separating the water bag from the uterine wall.  It was only slightly uncomfortable and just took a few seconds.  

We left the clinic and went to lunch at The SHACK in Mililani.  We filled up on some good burgers and fries!  Pretty much immediately after lunch I started feeling tight.  I wasn't sure if it was just because I was checked or if labor was imminent.  I had a feeling it wouldn't be long though.  A day or two, max.  I was pretty confident I wouldn't make it to my 40 week appointment, but beyond that I wasn't sure when it would be.

After lunch, we headed home so Lily could take her nap.  Then we thought we'd head to Target to pick up a prescription and maybe Home Depot to browse.  We got to Target and it was of course a mad house three days before Christmas!   I started feeling contractions in line at the pharmacy and told Mike we should just head home and start making hospital preparations. At that point, they were still about 6-8 minutes apart, so I thought I had plenty of time.  We rushed home, finished packing our bags, tidied the house, made arrangements for Lily, and were ready to head out the door by 5pm.   
My friend, Jenna (who is also pregnant and due in about 6 weeks), came over to feed, bathe and put Lily to bed.  Jenna's son, Jonah, is one just about 6 weeks older than Lily and one of her best buds!  Later that evening our family friends, the Stewarts, came over with their three boys to stay the night and next couple days at our house watching Lily. We are so thankful for friends like these and so many others who were willing to help out!

Took this picture on the way to the hospital.
It was a good day to have a baby!
Of course, as expected on Oahu, there was some traffic getting to the hospital.  It was raining, so obviously there were a few accidents on H-1.  Finally, we arrived at Kapiolani around 6:15pm.  Mike dropped me off at the entrance while he parked the car.  I was having contractions about every 3 minutes by then, and could tell they were getting stronger.  I was hoping I could get admitted and get that epidural, but feared the whole process would be too slow.  

I waddled up to the third floor and checked myself in.  Finally we got to triage where they checked me and monitored baby.  Mike acted as my contraction announcer by reading the graph as it printed out.  He'd inform me how strong the contraction was, as if I didn't already know, haha.  It actually kept my mind off the pain a bit.  In triage, they were coming steadily at 2-3 minutes apart anywhere from 50% to 60% on the scale.  When they finally checked my cervix, I was still only at 4-5cm dilated, but the nurse accidentally broke my water bag.  That was about 6:30pm.  

They didn't have the sense of urgency I was feeling at that point!  I was ready to get into labor and delivery and get that epidural!  Unfortunately, they still had blood labs to take, papers to sign, IVs to put in, a million questions to ask, etc.  Also, because I tested positive for Group B Strep, I needed at least one dose of penicillin before the epidural to insure the infection wasn't passed to baby in the birth canal.  They say they'd like you to have at least two doses at least 2 hours prior to delivery.  Well, that didn't happen.  

As they transported me to labor and delivery, the contractions got more and more intense.  Meanwhile it was 7pm and time for the nurses' shift change.  The current nurse updated the new nurse that I was 5 cm dilated.  She started asking me all the same questions again.  I think they thought they had plenty of time.  Not me.  I knew Emma was coming!  I asked again about the epidural, and finally the anesthesiologist came in to administer.  They asked Mike to leave.  At this point, the contractions were up to 95% and I was trying and praying my hardest to hold still while a giant needle was inserted into my back.  The anesthesiologist was awesome.  He did his thing and when he was finished he said (and I quote): "You should start to feel some relief within 15 minutes."  Right as those words graced his lips, I had the most gnarly contraction yet and felt the urge to push.  I kept telling the nurse I needed to push and she responded... "no not yet, just take long deep breaths."

At that moment Mike was finally allowed back in the room and in my 30 seconds of relief, I told him she was coming (even if the nurse didn't believe me).  A random doctor finally showed up along with a resident and small team of people.  I told them I needed to push.  They finally checked me and confirmed I was fully dilated.  She was born about 10 minutes later.  I could feel a tingling sensation in my legs, but still all the pain.  I think the epidural may have kicked in slightly just in time for me to get stitched up.  Right after she came out, Aunty Tammie arrived.  None of us expected labor to be so fast.  

They placed her directly on my chest, and that moment was entirely surreal.  I couldn't believe we were actually parents of TWO children.  I was still in a ton of pain, but also felt so much relief.  Emma was here!  My beautiful baby girl!  The most shocking feature was her full head of dark brown hair.  My very own mini-me... What a miracle.  I am still in awe of the entire process and how God created Emma in my womb and wove together this beautiful little blessing.  

I know these next few months and even years will be trying, but I am in utter amazement of God's goodness and grace.  Lily's first few months of life we needed all the GRACE we could get.  She was such a challenging infant.  Hopefully with Emma, she'll bring us so much JOY, that the joy will overshadow the trials.  Here's to 2016 and all of the adventures this new year will bring.  Finally, some pictures to enjoy:

Sweet Emma Joy, wide awake.
Mommy in love.
Daddy in love.
First cameo.
The newest addition to the Wolfepack!
Just a little bigger (and longer) than Lily.
First family photo at the hospital.
Our little Christmas bundle!
Emma Joy coming home on Christmas Eve.
The sweet handmade shirt from Colleen!
Some sisterly lovin.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Emma's Baby Shower

This past week, I was spoiled by my new-found friends in MOMS Club.  They threw me a beautiful shower and sprinkled us with so much love.  Becoming a mom has been so wonderful, but on top of that, I am blessed to have such an amazing community of women to walk through this season of life with me.  We are able to share, commiserate, vent and rejoice together through the ups and downs of motherhood.  For that, I am so very grateful!  God has definitely provided this "village" at just the right time.

As Mike and I prepare our hearts and home for a second child, we have nothing but gratitude for this opportunity we've been given.  The joy and responsibility of caring for and loving another beautiful little girl. What a blessing!

I wanted to document these photos for Emma, so she'll have them to look back on and see how young and vibrant her mom once looked :)

The mamas and keiki.
Such a beautiful banner by Jenna!
Gorgeous diaper cake by Deana!
Delightful wreath by Jenna.
Another sweet little Christmas diaper cake and cute snowman (girl) favors by Jenna.
Yummy and cute baby fruit carriage by Colleen.
Pretty flowers.
The gifts.
Lily apparently loves power tools (and watermelon,
which is why she was wearing a bib!)
Trying to capture some sisterly love.  Lily wasn't that into it...
Little does she know that she won't get all my
attention in a few short weeks :)
Me and Jenna: preggo bellies :)
Merry Baby!
Notice the cookie.
The smirk.

Monday, November 23, 2015

A Letter to Lily

Lily Grace,

You are my first daughter, and my first child.  Everything about the first year of motherhood, God has taught me through you!  I am very grateful.  I can already see a spark in you that will set those around you ablaze.  A leader; an initiator; a girl who knows what she wants.  I pray God uses that spark for His glory alone.

Only in the last two months have you allowed me to have those sweet moments of cuddle time with you.  They don't last long, but you give us hugs now and rest your head on our chests to be sweet.  Just last night, you had a bit of trouble falling asleep--which is quite unusual for you.  I came in and rocked you for about ten minutes, and you laid on me the entire time.  Totally calm and fully awake.  It was the first time in 17 months that's ever happened.  I basked in that sweet time, and soaked up every second.

As I was sitting there rocking you, I couldn't help but think of how things will change for us in the next few weeks.  In just another month we will welcome your sister, Emma Joy, into our family and figure out how to function as a family of four.  You won't be the center of attention anymore.  And mom and dad's world won't revolve solely around you.  

The beautiful thing is that you will never remember being the only child.  You'll never know what it's like to get all the attention from us.  You will have a sister, and love her, and never remember life without her.  That makes me happy!  But I will remember this year and a half... the unforgettable moments you've brought to me and your dad.  You've taught us so much about love and patience and God's grace.  Your rage, your screams, your smiles, your laughs and giggles.  You are one of a kind, my love.

"Tickle, tickle, tickle... dig, dig, dig... bubbles... Buddy... bath... where's Lily... earthquake... drive, drive, drive... B-I-B-L-E... Daniel... snack... pray... tunnel... tent... milk... juice... Dada!"    

These are just a few things that I want to remember because the look on your face when we talk about any of them is priceless.  You smile the biggest smile and clap your hands that we got it right!  

I want you to know how special you are to me.  I've heard it said that love doesn't divide.  It only multiplies.  I guess that's something I'm about to find out in the next few weeks.  I can't picture life with two little girls, but a year and a half ago I couldn't picture life with you.  Now I couldn't imagine life without you!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


I'm continually amazed at how my circumstances and thoughts can so easily dictate my mood.  I can slip into a funk so effortlessly, but I truly can't get myself out of the mire.  It usually takes a good night of sleep for my mood to wear off.

Yesterday was one of those days.  I can't really explain it.  I don't know why I felt this way. I'm not even sure what triggered it, but I felt myself sinking into a pit of self pity for no particular reason.  This morning when I woke up, I decided to have some prayer time.  I asked God to create a clean heart in me and restore or renew a right spirit within me.  Psalm 51:10

I'm so thankful that God is the changer of hearts and moods.  Even though I don't have the power within myself to do that, I serve a God who looks at my ungrateful heart and loves me in spite of it.  I pray today that my interactions with others would reflect God's glory.  I pray that I would take my clean heart and share it with others.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

A Wolfepack Reunion, Part 1

This past Thursday, we just said goodbye to Suzanna and Ruby, my sister-in-law
and niece.  Mike's brother and his family came out on August 1st to spend some time with us exploring beautiful Hawaii!  We had lots of fun adventures while they were here.  Mike even took the week off of work while his brother was here to enjoy time together as a family.  After the first week, Jeff had to fly back to Indiana and Mike had to go back to work.  The girls' adventures, however, continued. Here are some photos to enjoy of our first week together.  I hope Ruby remember's this trip.  Maybe these pictures will help!  More to come...

Week 1 - Adventures with the whole family!

The first morning, in matching outfits.
Hike to Lulumahu Falls in Nu'uanu
At the Pali Lookout
We both found out on the same day what we were having.  It was so special!
Ruby gets a little brother; Lily gets a little sister!
The house we rented on North Shore.
Playing in the waves near Rocky Point.
Mike "showing" Jeff how to skim board.
The waving to their daddies.
Jumping from Waimea.
Jeff's jump!
A dip in the ocean with daddy.
Our North Shore hike to the Ehukai Pillboxes.
Part 2.
Lily's excited face :)
New hats!  Thanks Uncle Jeff and Auntie Suzu.
Ruby rockin' the hat!
Good times.
Dads surfing at White Plains while we play at the beach!
Silly Lily!
Lily's turn to stand.
Some wave action.
Ruby's turn to stand!
Happy, happy, happy!
Pool basketball BBQ.
Corn Hole.
Family shot in Makaha.  After Ruby hiked the mountain :)

Family shot in Makaha.

Lily kissing baby Emma!

Lily kissing Ruby :)
Pretty Plumerias!
Mom and daughter time.