Monday, July 29, 2013

My Attempt at Crafty

I'm happy that I still have a week of summer left!  It's a bitter-sweet feeling.

It's dreary outside.  I was supposed to leave for Molokai today on one last summer adventure, but my plans have been thwarted by tropical storm Flossie.  I don't think she'll be much more than a lot of rain here on the islands, but of course everyone takes necessary precautions.

The itch I've had on my legs and arms for over a week now STILL itches.  I'm breaking down and calling the doctor today to try and get some relief.  Today looks like it might be a "read a book inside" kind of day.  We shall see.

I don't have a huge house update, we've been plugging away at it little by little.  More pics on that later.

The update I did want to share is my latest DIY craft!  I have been wanting to put a little reading nook in my classroom for a while.  This summer finally afforded me the opportunity to make one that's perfect for the space.  It's an "L" shaped bench that my students can use to take a break from their desk while they read.

The finished product.
I made it all by myself; here's how it went down.  I don't know if you want to call it a tutorial, but here are my version of step by step instructions:

I started out with a few 2x4s and I used a 4x4 for the legs. 
I cut them the lengths I wanted using a chop saw.   I think the long
bench was about 60 inches, and the short about 30 inches.  
One I got them the desired length, I cut each piece at a 45 degree angle.
Using a circular saw, I cut the plywood to fit just inside the 2x4s with a little bit of wriggle room.
I think I used 5/8" plywood--it was thick--and leftover from house stuff.  
Here's the long piece cut.
The 2x4s fit snugly around the plywood.
A close up.
I measured each 4x4 leg post at 12 inches.  I want the bench to sit kind of low for my students.
Four of the eight.
On the long bench, I cut one extra 2x4 for the center to add some strength.
Here's everything laid out before I sand and stain.
I chose Dark Walnut stain.  I don't have a picture of it, but I sanded the boards pretty well before applying this.
Here are the stained pieces.  I let them dry overnight.
After cutting, sanding, and staining, it was time to screw them all together!
I screwed the posts directly to the 2x4s with 4 screws (3 inch I think?)
Then I cut the foam to put on top of the plywood.  The foam was rather expensive!
The foam laid out.  Time to add the fabric.
Mike bought me a staple gun!  It was super easy to use :)
I stretched the fabric a little and stapled.
Action shot!
The underside of the long bench.
And voila!  This is NOT my classroom obviously.  I post a pic of the
finished product all set up and ready to go before school starts!
August 7th, I'm not really ready for you to come, but at least I finished my bench... I hope the kids like it!  It's S.U.R.F. time in English class...

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Thankful Thursday

I have so much to be thankful for today.

First off, I'm feeling much better than I did the past three days.  I was fighting a fever, an allergic reaction to an unknown source, a scratchy throat, a headache and chest congestion.  After going in the ocean yesterday, taking medicine consistently, and sleeping for about 14 hours straight the night before, I think I've rounded the corner. Praise GOD!

I'm thankful for:

  • Modern medicine that reduce painful things like a fever
  • Friends that I can share life with
  • Children, and the happiness & energy they bring 
  • The summer, and a job that allows me to enjoy it fully
  • REST and A/C
Yesterday morning I went to Waimea with Robbie, Raquel, Neil and the boys.  It was a lot of fun, and just what the doctor ordered for my sickness--fresh air and salt water!  The boys had a blast as usual.  They were quite the jumpers.  Once they started jumping off the rock, they didn't want to stop!  

Asher had to wear goggles like his brother, even though he's scared of the water.
Maybe next time Ash.
Ez thinking about who to bomb with his sand ball.
Maddox preying on the easy target--Asher.
Ezekiel about to jump from the rock!!
Then, at 5:00pm, Uncle Frank, Aunty Tam and Jared brought the NPC youth over to the house for a pool/pizza party.  It was a wonderful day; the only hiccup was when a police officer came and told us we couldn't park on the road in our cul-de-sac.  I'm pretty sure it means someone from our neighborhood called the cops on us, and that makes me sad.  All the neighbors seem super nice, and I thought everyone liked us.  Oh well.

The girls didn't last long in the pool.  It's pretty cold!
Not sure what game this was...
Uncle Frank was exhausted, haha.
Chicken fight.
The Winners!
Pastor Mike talked about our hope in a BIG God last Sunday.  I think it's awesome that the only reason we know LOVE is because he first loved us.  We are able to love because God our father modeled it for us by sending Jesus to suffer his wrath in our stead.  [1 John 4:7-12].  That's why I think modeling and teaching by example is so important.  I am intrigued by the fact that we can't do anything to earn God's favor.  It seems so foreign.  Everything in our culture tells us that in order to be accepted, well-liked, loved, or promoted we must meet a benchmark or quota.  It tells us that me must measure up to a specific standard.  Then, and only then, will we receive the prize,the admiration, the praise, the bonus paycheck.  

It's only natural that we would carry over this thought process to our relationship with Christ, but the beauty of the gospel is that there's nothing we can do to be accepted by him.   There's nothing we can say or think that will make God like us more than he already does.  We simply acknowledge him as our savior and trust him with our life.  I like this quote by pastor Mike Ohara:  
"We are saved by grace for God's glory expressed through good works.  It's not a balance of grace and works.  It's ALL grace.  Works is a by-product of grace."
So, I'm thankful for grace too.  Without it, I'd be dead in my sin.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Cabinet news

I've been feeling a little sick lately.  Yesterday I woke up feeling really achy and I have these really itchy bumps on my legs!  I tried to rest most of the day, but by 3 or 4 I was getting antsy.  Itchy legs and all, I decided to go up to the house to do some work.  Uncle Frank and Mike had also just arrived.

Here's some updated pics of the bathrooms:

Durock is up!
Uncle Frank putting up the RedGuard.

What I had to do yesterday makes me sick to my stomach...

Let me back up a bit.  So, in order for our bank to approve our loan for the house, there were some things that we had to pay for up front for the house to be in "livable" condition.  One of those things was to rip out all the drywall and pay someone to remove mold and do all these air samples in the house.  Then, we had to pay someone to put brand new drywall back up and semi re-install the kitchen cabinets.  Since we didn't own the house yet, we we're allowed to do it ourselves.  It was one of those things that we just had to deal with.  At that point, we hadn't thought too much about remodeling ideas because we were so focused on actually getting the house.

With the beam having gone up a week and a half ago, it was time to talk to the electrician about kitchen lighting.  Mike's had a rough plan drawn up in AutoCAD for a while, but we couldn't measure things out until I decided on the layout and we ordered the cabinets, etc.  Finally, we had the electrician come scope things out again.  Guess what he told us?  We have to remove all the brand new drywall from the kitchen [sad face].

So here we are, back to square one in the kitchen.

Last Thursday, Kim helped me take all the top kitchen cabinets down.  The next day, Jordan and Mike removed the bottom cabinets.  After than, we finally finished demoing all the tile downstairs so we could visually lay out the kitchen.   With everything out, it was easier to see the vision.  I'll post a few pics to give some perspective.  

So that's what I spent my time doing yesterday--removing the brand new drywall in the kitchen.  On a positive note, I will say that Mike's Dremel multi-tool is pretty awesome for the job!!  It's cuts drywall like a beast :)

Back in March or something when we got all the mold removed.
Kitchen still intact.
Cabinets are out and tile is demoed.  Sink remains.
Here we go again.
I had to cut this side out to make my pantry wall!
I tried to make large cuts for easy clean up (July 2013)
Trying to sell the remaining cabinets on Craigslist.
On a positive note, we went to C&C last weekend to order the cabinets.  It can be hard to communicate with the employees there as most don't speak English very well.  However, we talked with a very helpful and knowledgeable girl and were very satisfied.  Luck of the draw I guess :)

Here's a rendering of what the new kitchen will look like.
MOONGLOW out by the pool :)

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Thankful Thursday

I thought I'd start something new.  I'm going to attempt to update my blog each Thursday giving thanks to God for the blessings he provides.  Sometimes the blessings are disguised as "refining" moments where he molds and shapes us more and more into his image.  These can be painful experiences and pleasant ones.  I hope to record both, and give thanks in all things like the apostle Paul encourages us to do in his letter to the Thessalonians.
"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."      -1 Thessalonians 5:17
I'm thankful for:

  • the GOD who loves in spite of our failures and shortcomings
  • the HOPE of eternity through Jesus Christ 
  • a wonderful HUSBAND who supports me in all aspects of life
  • our FAMILIES in Florida and Indiana for raising us and teaching us what's important
  • a CHURCH dedicated to preaching and living out the gospel
  • the opportunity to buy a HOUSE in Hawaii
  • KIM and JORDAN for letting us stay with them while we work on ours
  • FRIENDS who are so willing to help us out each step of the way
  • JOBS that support us financially
  • SISTERS in Christ that live both near and far whom I can confide in and rely on 


I've been thinking a lot about craftsmanship in this whole house process.  Over the past few months I have become more skilled in using power tools.  Mike is very proud of that fact, and I am too.  Yesterday, I started making a bench for my classroom.  I want to set up a reading station or "nook" for the kids to have alternative places to sit during S.U.R.F. time [Silent Uninterrupted Reading Fun].

As I began to craft this bench, I wanted to make the cuts perfect.  Of course I needed a measuring tape, a chop saw, a steady hand, and a vision.  I needed to know what I wanted this bench to look like, and the purpose that it will serve.  There are several analogies in the Bible that display God as being the creator, master craftsman, and potter.  I was reading in Ephesians this morning about how we are created for his purposes.
"We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."    -Ephesians 2:10
Just as I desire my bench to serve the purpose of providing seating for my students, God had a plan and purpose in creating each of us.  He rescued us (like distressed wood... which is the craze these days) and crafted each one of us for different purposes.  It wasn't because we already looked good on our own; we CANNOT boast in that.  He saved us from the landfill.  He took something seemingly dead and useless, and made us worthy vessels.  He created us for good works, so let's walk in them!!  (Eph. 2:8-10)


On a different note, I had a little fun busting up some tile yesterday while Mike was asleep.  He's been working nights these past few weeks and sleeping during the day.  I thought I'd share a few pictures.  Enjoy!  The tile is almost gone.  We took three loads to the dump... which is what got me thinking about landfills and craftsmanship in the first place.

Just call me "tile buster"
Bruised and battered knees... even with knee pads!
Got a little carried away... busting tile with a sledge hammer is rather therapeutic :)
Battle wound, but SOOOOOOO worth it!!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Manic Monday

I don't really think it's a manic Monday, the song by the Bangles just popped into my head for some reason.  Anyway, it was another fun and productive weekend!  We worked on the house A LOT, but we also got to spend time at the beach with friends from church and enjoyed a nice evening with the Tau'as. 

Pastor Mike spoke from Psalms chapter 51 this week, and I felt like it was just what I needed to hear.  
"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.  Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me."  Psalm 51:10-12
Does the JOY of your salvation need to be restored?  Mine did.  God used these verses to stir my heart and draw me back to himself.  Thank you, Jesus!

Anyway, before I get to the pictures and house progress, I just wanted to give another shout out to all the people who have been so helpful and giving--their time, their money, their home--we are so grateful and extremely blessed.  We hope to use our finished home to bless others in return.  Be ready!

  • Drew
  • Jordan
  • Mitchell
  • Ben
  • Matt, Jamie & Family
SATURDAY Accomplishments:
  • Installed the Big Boy Beam!!
  • Removed temporary walls
  • Concreted the downstairs bathroom floor
  • Finished trimming front bathroom window
  • Started chipping the downstairs tile
  • Installed Durock to upstairs master bath
  • SOLD the sauna!
Court and Cam cruising in the van ;)
Madden with his biggest "cheese"
Party in the front, far AWAY from the construction zone!

Everyone was giving Jordan a hard time about the first cut.
Mitchell made it clear whose cut this was, haha.
He had the chance to redeem himself...
but then Ben couldn't resist.  I think he said something
to the effect of  "Let the Amish do the cutting..."
This was the "platform" that was created.  The original plan was to
move the beam up slowly and keep it stabilized as it got hoisted higher.
Mike "skillfully" cutting the joist.  (see what I did there?)
As you can see, the joist cuts had to be exactly precise to fit the 400 lbs beam.
 We didn't want to leave any room for error, so the guys used
the 2 ft piece they cut off to measure before they lifted.
The inspection shot ;)
Here's Jordan testing the last few cuts. We ended up scratching
the idea of"little by little" and they lifted it all at once.
Ben with the support post, and Jamie trying to get a better look.
This is the bracket the post had to sit it.  We poured the concrete
 last week and set the bracket in the cement.
Obviously, my assistance was needed in putting the beam up,
so I wasn't able to capture any pictures of that endeavor.  But here's one of the
beam up and the guys checking to make sure it's level.
We left some marks.  I also wrote some scripture on the other side, but forgot to take pictures.
Nice art Mitch.
Some more priceless artwork.
Say no more.
Upside down.
Beam installed with no Simpson ties.  Glad it's finally up!!!
Jordan installing the Simpson ties... making it secure.
Temporary walls coming down!
View from the kitchen side (and Mitchell's tile job)
Nice work guys, the open concept looks AMAZING!
(or it will once all the busted up tile is gone)
Plumbing is almost done on this bath.  Time to fill in!
Concrete action.
Leveling off the Concrete.
Looks great!
Time for a lunch break!
I sold the Healthmate... Woooooo...
View from inside the sauna.
Drew's Durock work in the master bath.
Cleaning up.
Started the work day with a" heavy" beam, and ended with a "light" beam from all the dust :)
A better angle :)
What a great day of accomplishments!!  Now it's final decision-making time... ahhhhh.  How will everything be laid out:  kitchen island, cabinets, appliances, lighting, toilets, vanities, counter tops, tiles, carpet, and paint colors!  Fun, fun, fun!

Thanks again for reading...  Mike and I are super excited to get moved in to our new place.  It's coming along wonderfully!