Monday, July 15, 2019

Lily is FIVE!

This post is about a month late, but I want to remember her fifteen years from now just how she is, even if that's 5 years, 1 month, 1 week and 5 days old... :)

We knew all along that we'd be on our long summer trip for her birthday this year, but it still seemed weird not celebrating our girl in the backyard with a pool party.  From Daniel Tiger (1) to Curious George (2) to Doc McStuffins (3) and finally Sheriff Callie (4), it was strange not to have a themed party this year.  I missed it actually... I love her summer parties.

Instead, we celebrated her 5th birthday with Grandma, Auntie Suzu, Uncle Jeff, Ruby and Winston at The Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky!  We woke up at an Airbnb in Louisville, dined at her favorite breakfast spot--Denny's--and headed to the Ark.  We got there a little after noon when it opened and enjoyed their buffet.  Afterward, we toured the exhibits and headed to the newly opened outdoor playground.  Everyone had a great time, and I think it was very memorable birthday!  Later that evening, we headed to Indianapolis to meet some cousins' cousins, blow out some candle and catch some Zzzzzzz's. It was a lovely day :)

To My Dear Five-Year-Old Lily,

You are so inquisitive.  You remember things that seem strange for a five year old to remember, like friends who moved away over two years ago, or Grandpa John Santa throwing a baby doll off the roof of grandma's house and hearing jingle bells in their chimney when you were two.  You really impress me.

I have no doubt in my mind that you'll do great things in your lifetime!  You'll likely be smarter than me by the time you're in high school, though I'm sure you'll think so looooooong before that.  You love to learn:  how things work, processes, routines, and equations--a lover of logic. You are your father's daughter, and I love that about you!

You are very thoughtful.  You are always thinking of others, always making artwork or picking flowers for friends and family members.  You are a planner and a rule follower.  You like to know what to expect next and you want to know the acceptable boundaries that go along with whatever situation you find yourself in.  I think it makes you feel comfortable to know as much information as possible, and it also drives me bonkers! 

You know your alphabet, all of your sounds and can sound out some three letter words when you're in the mood.  You're really good with directions and remember states well. 

You finished AWANA Cubbies this year and are excited to start SPARKS and kindergarten in just a few weeks! You tried your hand at ballet and gymnastics this year and loved both! You're also a great swimmer :)

You're a wonderful helper in the kitchen with mommy and and hard working with daddy in the garage.  You know your kitchen gadgets and the difference between a sledge hammer and rubber mallet.  We love teaching you things and watching you learn every single day!  You are a wonderful big sister and enjoy playing with both of your little sisters.

You have a sweet love for Jesus and His Word.  You want to share his love with those who don't know Him.  We hope and pray that God will use your simple and genuine faith this year at school as you start kindergarten.  Let his light shine through you as you love those around you, sweet one. Happy 5th Birthday! 

Mark 12:30-31  And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

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