Saturday, September 10, 2016


Adventures Random


Moms Offering Moms Support – CLUB.
It’s a real thing you guys.  Not just the proverbial club you enter when you pop a kid (or multiple kids) out of your body or when you adopt one/several precious human being(s) into your family. I’m talking an ACTUAL club of moms.  MOMS Club International to be exact.
It’s been just over two years now since my inauguration (both literally and figuratively).  A certain (shall we say passionate) someone, who bakes very delicious cake and hosts wonderfully entertaining parties, pestered invited me to join her and other mom cronies in this elite club for stay at home moms.
Since I was working back then (for an employer that paid me money), I had no time to sit around and think about socializing after baby arrived.  What was this “club” she spoke of?  Do we even still do clubs as adults?  I was above it… or so I thought.
My first encounter was a few emails sent back and forth with the Membership VP.  Meet at this park at this time and you’ll probably meet some moms.  What?!  I wasn’t even a mom yet.  Just a middle school teacher with a huge belly.  Was I really expected to roll up on strangers at the park and put myself out there like that?  Yes, I was.  And yes, I did.
Lily was born a few weeks later (the day after school let out for the summer).  I stayed home enduringenjoying my bundle of screaming joy. And for any of you who knew her has an infant… I need not explain.  When she was around two months old, I couldn’t take it anymore.  I needed to get out.
Now don’t get me wrong.  God granted me grace during those long days. He taught me a lot about myself and my selfish heart and leaning on his everlasting arms (here’s some of what I learned), but I was ready to mix and mingle! So, that’s just what I did.
On the first official Club Connection once I was a member, I met Jenna.  My first MC friend [heart emoji].  She was sitting across from me in the circle of folding chairs.  Our babes were on our laps–two and three months at the time.  And boom.  Just like that, Lily and I both had our first (of many) MC friends.

On a more serious note, though (without getting too mushy), this tribe of women has been truly amazing.  The friendships I’ve formed in two short years is almost inconceivable. Making the decision to stay home and losing our D.I.N.K. (Dual Income No Kids) status hasn’t always been easy, but it’s so rewarding on so many levels.  Having a village to support me is just icing on the cake.
We keep busy and participate in activities galore!  From beach and park days to play dates at peoples’ homes.  Field trips, potlucks, toddler treks and shared meals.  Reading, crafting, playing, eating, and swimming.  There’s something almost every day of the month where you’ll see someone you know or meet someone new.  But more rewarding than the busyness of it all are the connections both Lily and I have made.  Every time we go somewhere now, she wants to know if her friends will be there!  Emma’s a little young still, but I know she’ll love it too.  I am so thankful for this amazing group of women, especially in this chapter of life!
I even had the opportunity to serve on the board last year.  As treasurer, I knew the majority of our members and kept track of our donations and club dues.  It was a nice way to give back to the club what I had gained the previous year.  To top it off, I served alongside some amazing ladies and helped support over 90 families in our area!  How incredible.
I can’t say enough about this wonderful group of unique women.  The most beautiful thing about it, is that we are all different in so many ways.  We all have different backgrounds and ideas, different decorating styles and food palates.  Different sized families and different sized homes.  Different views on issues and different experiences under our belt.  But the tie that binds us is our children.  How we love them, how we want the best for them, and how we hope they become people who care.
To all the moms out there in the trenches… this is for YOU.  If you’re not in community with others, get on it! Because it takes a village.

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