Friday, January 20, 2017

My Baby is ONE

Family Updates

My Baby is ONE

Almost a month late, but still…

My sweet Emma, how I love your cheeks and silly faces!
Your first year has flown by, and I’m humbled to have watched every move up close. We spent your first birthday in Florida with mommy’s family, and you were able to share your first party with your Great Grandma, Caryann (a.k.a. Mema).  It was a Minnie Mouse themed party with pizza, cake and lots of second cousins & extended family! 
You cut your first two teeth this month, right before your birthday!  You are weaned, but still enjoy mommy “comforting” you when you’re tired, though it doesn’t happen often.  You’re drinking whole milk these days, but it has to be slightly warm from a bottle.  If it’s straight from the fridge, you’ll throw it down. 
Music is your favorite.  You love instruments and songs and dancing.  I cut your bangs for the first time this month because they were falling in your eyes every day.  I basically botched them, but they’re already growing back!  You’re full-on walking this month, but still a little tipsy.  Shoes are a new discovery. They seem to hold you back a bit, but you’re learning to deal with them. You needed them on our trip in the cold weather!
Your schedule and sleeping arrangements got all messed up on our month long trip, but I’m confident you’ll snap back.  You tolerate way less from your sister these days, screaming and shouting if she takes something that you’re playing with (which sadly happens often).
You LOVE, LOVE, LOVE animals and get really excited to see them, cats and dogs especially… You can sing Wheels on the BusPat-a-Cake, & If You’re Happy and You Know It. It’s really cute when you try to do the motions. You still love to eat.  You learned how to give an open-mouth kiss, and it’s super sweet.  You also give hugs (sometimes). You still suck your thumb when you put yourself to sleep as well. There’s no holding you back when you see something you want! 
Can’t wait to see how the next few months play out with you as a toddler. You are feisty and sweet. You are so loved!
Here are a few pics of your birthday in Florida.

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