Saturday, May 2, 2020

December 2019 Adventure Roundup

I've been working on this "draft" since January.  Here it is May 2, 2020 and I'm finally getting around to posting it!

[PS. Happy Birthday Etta Rae]

A lot has transpired since December (namely COVID-19), but that doesn't negate the month of fun that December 2019 was!! Here is the original info I recounted:

December has been a very happening month. As you'll see in each of the pics, we've been busy but having the time of our lives... especially the girls ;)

This girl turned TWO!

Enjoying this awesome food truck from Gramma!  They love it!

We had a joint celebration later in the month, but did a little family thing with a cookie cake on Cary's actual birthday :)

The shirt says it all.  Made by my friend, Colleen, and worn by all three girls...

Oh, and the neighbors joined us for cookie cake.  We just love them!

Frozen 2 came out!  We traded Cary for Haeley and took the girls for a night on the town.  So special...

Enjoyed lots of mornings (and evenings) like this... just love this time of year.

Cary's two year check up...

Neighborhood yard sale and lemonade stand.  The cutest!

Everyone was into it.  I think they made more money off lemonade than our yard sale stuff.

The ladies got to get out and go to a Lauren Daigle concert at the Blaisdell. So fun!

Cool lights.
We had our Wolfe Annual Christmas Party, which is a huge highlight this time of year!

The kids in their matching festive attire ;)

Three cuties at a MOMS Club crafting event.

Lily performed at church singing, O Children Come, by Keith and Kristen Getty

I took the girls to a Frozen Live performance by P.A.C.K. at Kapolei High School

They really enjoyed it!

We shared meals with friends.

Held hands so sweetly for no reason whatsoever <3

Made family gingerbread houses after a family walk in the neighborhood.

These are THE sweetest times!

Played at the park with MOMS Club friends.

Waiting for sissy to get done at school and showed our "stinky feet."

Lily and I attended "Arctic Adventure Night" at Mauka Lani. Lots of make and take crafts! We saw Auntie Julie there too!

Brady joined us on a MOMS Club field trip to Keiki and Plow.

We picked carrots, turnips, okra, butter lettuce, basil and a radish!

It was a perfect day.


On the 14th, we attended a Princess Tea party for Gracie and Joy--Emma's friends from MBC

Mommy did their hair and make-up.

Could not be cuter cuties!

Because every princess needs rainbow colored tattoos :)

Even mommy dressed up.

I love my little ladies.

And then there was the Christmas tree. So many wonderful nights sitting in its beautiful dim light. My favorite time of year!

Random rainbows in the neighborhood.

Toddler Treks to Moanalua Gardens.

Oh, and the Barbie Jeep!  Mike bought a new battery, so it's been going strong this month.  Everyone LOVES it!

And Emma's actually gotten really good at driving :)

Then there was Gingerbread decorating in Lily's class...

And the girls' joint bday party...

A separate post on this later... But the Frozen Theme was SO fun.

Emmas fave bday gift from mommy and daddy!

Christmas Eve sunrise (mommy only).

Christmas Eve Day at the Water Park

Christmas Morning!  Such a lovely day... it rained the ENTIRE day and we were up in a cloud. So cool and windy and rainy.  So relaxing.  Mike even took the girls on an adventure walk in the rain! I read my book (The Christmas Sisters) all day.

Emma's four year check-up (and 4 shots)... she was a trooper!

On the 27th, I took Lily up to the WW2 Bunkers at Camp.  She did AWESOME!
Mountain Conqueror...
Spent an evening at Chuck E Cheese with the Murrays visiting from MI who we hadn't seen in a while.

Cary's rockin' the pigtails these days and she loved sitting on a train that didn't move.

Us moms never remember to take pictures together, but here we are on New Year's Eve ready to ring in 2020. Natasha pregnant with Daisy, and our hubbies and kiddos hanging in the backyard. Sweet forever memories!

We had the Balloon drop at 7pm HST (midnight on the East coast) and then turned on a movie for the kids :) Brilliant idea!


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