Saturday, December 21, 2019

Our Double Birthday Celebration - Dec 2019

This year, we celebrated both of our December babies together (again) with a joint Frozen Bday Bash in the backyard!  We had food, cake, gifts, snowball toss, pin the nose on Olaf, a pinata and an obstacle course... and lots of friends.  Oh, What fun!

Cary Hope,

You are so sweet and sassy right now. I love your fire, but it is very trying and exhausting.  The constant shouting really has mommy and daddy's patience running low.  I need the Lord's strength EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.  You can also be extremely sweet though too, but it's hard to know which version of you we'll get.  I hope this will pass sooner rather than later. This past year has just flown by and it's been such a joy to raise you as you've learned to walk, run, talk, interact with others and feed yourself. You have just enough hair to put up into little pig tails. SO CUTE! You're currently into Elsa, Anna, Elmo, PJ Masks (thanks to your cousin Jack), Paw Patrol, Baby Bum and Daniel Tiger. You love time alone with Mommy and/or Daddy. You like your little people, any babies (play or real), the Barbie Jeep, and playing kitchen with all your treats and tea sets.

I pray that God will continue to sustain us as we raise you in his wisdom and righteousness. We have HOPE that you will come to know and love Jesus as we seek to honor Him as a family. My prayer is that you will "...grow in wisdom, stature and favor with God and man." (Luke 2:52)

Happy Second Birthday, Cary Hope <3


Emma Joy,

You are truly still our JOY. You are very sweet and very social. We love watching your personality bloom as you learn more about the world and people around you. You've got a lot to learn about friendship and obedience and not grumbling, but you're well on your way. You and Lily play so wonderfully together. Though you have plenty of disagreements and arguments as any sisters would, I know you truly love and care for one another. It's sweet seeing you girls figure things out and play pretend.  You have a wonderful imagination! 

Being the middle sister doesn't come with out its own trials, but you handle your relationship with both Cary and Lily so wonderfully. Cary adores you.  She wants to be just like you, and I hope going forward you'll be the light of Jesus to her and the kind of sister who would sacrifice anything for her.  Thank you for your sweet spirit and loving demeanor.

I pray that God would continue to use us as your parents to shape you more and more into the image of His son, Jesus. Though we know we'll never be perfect this side of Heaven, I pray we wouldn't use that as an excuse not to try. Our prayer for this year is that you will arm yourself with more and more scripture so that you can fight against the flaming darts of the evil one. You are so loved, sweet girl. Keep on shining!

Happy Fourth Birthday, Emma Joy <3

Happy Birthday to my two youngest beauties.

They have a sweet and special bond...

Cary--very fittingly, the ice queen. ;)

Emma, a happy girl with pink hair.

She loved watching me make her special cake!

Sweet Treats!

Cary Hope <3

Emma Joy <3


Pinata Bags

Mommy's friends--Colleen & Kayla

Last minute idea...

Olaf Snowball Toss

Obstacle Course

Balance Beam

Little Lilly


Pin the Nose on Olaf

It's my party, I can cry if I want to...

Happy Birthday, sweet girls <3

You are LOVED!

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