Thursday, December 28, 2017

Emma Girl is Two!

Family Updates

Emma Girl is Two!

Last weekend, sweet Emma turned two!  It feels like just a short time ago we were bringing her home from the hospital.  With a full head of hair and a quiet demeanor, Emma came into our lives and fell right into a rhythm with our family. Now that we’ve welcomed baby Cary into the mix, it’s especially hard to remember what life was like before we had Emma! 

This year, we started the celebration off on her actual birthday which was a Friday.  She woke up to Cinnamon Rolls, balloons and presents laid out on the dining room table.  With her birthday just a few days before Christmas, we are going to have to be intentional and work extra hard at making her special day meaningful.  But when they’re so young, it’s really not that hard to feel like awesome parents.  I mean, two balloons and store bought cinnamon rolls and we were golden 🙂
After breakfast she opened up her presents from us then we proceeded to do some errands around town.  Later that evening we met up with some people to hear a friend play music at a local venue on the water.  The girls loved it, and danced the night away!
Saturday morning we invited a few families over to celebrate Emma’s Birthday in the backyard. They swam for a little bit in the frigid water and played in the yard all morning.  To have a successful party for a two-year-old, all you have to do is bring the INSIDE toys OUTSIDE and provide hot dogs, chips and cupcakes!  It was a nice time of fellowship for the parents and a blast for the kids!  

You are a gift from the Lord.  We never want you to forget that.  I am so grateful that God chose us to be your parents, and gave us the incredible job of raising you to know and love Him! 
You are talking quite a bit these days and have an excellent 3 1/2 year old teacher that you learn from each day–for better or worse.  You’re not really interested in counting, but you’re learning colors and some shapes.  Purple is your favorite, but pink and blue are a close second. 
You love baby dolls and cereal and playing at the park.  You love your new tricycle and baby stroller.  Every morning you wake up and say, “I’m hungry, mommy.” You eat the rainbow marshmallows out of the Lucky Charms box and the purple sprinkles off pink glazed donuts.  You most definitely inherited my sweet tooth and love for snacks!  Your favorites are fruit and chips. 
You love accessories–shoes, bags, backpacks, hair bows, etc.  When you hit those tween years, we are really in for it…
You suck your thumb and just got off bottles a month ago.  You still love your milk, but we make you drink it out of a sippy cup now.  You have a toddler bed, but choose to sleep in the crib still.  In a few months baby Cary will kick you out of the crib, but for now you like the feeling of confinement (which is fine with us).
You are such a sassafrass, and have started to copy your big sister lately when we ask you to do things.  Your new favorite phrase is, “I don’t want to!”
You love going to church and playing with your friends in Puggles, and you especially love the church playground! 
Your new neighborhood friend is now your BFF and you talk about him every day.  You also love to hold baby Cary and talk to her repeatedly. 
Your hair is gorgeous and you get complements on it all the time.  I, too, wish I had your locks! 
We love you, Emma Joy, and pray for wisdom daily in raising you as unto the Lord.  We love your snuggles and your sweet smile!  Can’t wait to see what year three has in store…

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