Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Feeling Grateful

Faith Family

Feeling Grateful

I’m still here.  I haven’t taken the time to blog lately, but I’m still in the thick of life just like you. 
I wanted to take a few minutes tonight to express my gratitude:
*To my Lord and Savior–for the promise of eternal life, and making it possible through his son. And the blessings we get to see this side of heaven.  I know none of it is deserved, but I’m thankful nonetheless.
*To my husband–for his hard work day in and day out both here with our family and outside the home.  He has such a strong desire to provide for his girls, and I’m thankful the Lord has given him that ability. 
*And lastly to my sweet, sweet treasures–Lily and Emma. I am blessed beyond measure through their laughter, imaginations, silly antics, and even through the hardships and whining. God uses them each day to refine my character. I love them so so much!
*Oh, and to baby Cary (in my womb)–who reminds me daily, as she’s being knit together, of the one who holds all of life in His sovereign hands.
Though I’m feeling great tonight, that’s not so for my poor husband and littlest girl. It’s been days since we’ve all been healthy.  While I know it’s nothing life threatening, being sick is still hard to cope with sometimes. This past weekend was rough for me. Anytime I did any amount of housework, my belly tightened up and left me feeling nauseated and very uncomfortable.  The only thing that brought reprieve was lying on my side for hours at a time.  At 28 weeks, this was the first time during my entire pregnancy I felt this way. Thankfully I’m much better now.  And good thing, because there’s no time for the mommy to be sick.  Not when two others in the house are… Emma’s on antibiotics now, so hopefully she’ll kick this ear infection quickly! And so far Mike’s missed two days of work.  I pray his body recovers swiftly and this nasty head cold doesn’t linger any longer.
To add to the fun, we’ve been without a vehicle for exactly one week now.  Let me just say it’s incredibly humbling. Our van broke down on the way to family group last Tuesday evening and has been at a shop ever since. It still hasn’t been diagnosed, and though it’s frustrating it’s also sanctifying.  It always seems that another expense rears its head just when we’re finally starting to catch up.  But I have been overwhelmed by the willingness of friends to come to our rescue when necessary. We have had rides to and from swim class, AWANA, church, the doctor’s office and the grocery store! We may even venture out on the bus later this week.  What an exciting adventure for the girls 🙂
All this to say that I’m grateful… grateful for life, and health and air conditioning. Praise God for air conditioning!! I’m grateful for this computer, working appliances, running water… all the little things I take for granted each day. And as Irma passed through Florida, I’m grateful for the health and safety of all my family members who reside there. 
Praise be to God.
I pray that we wouldn’t dwell on the have nots of life, but all of life’s many blessings–both big and small!

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