To my surprise, the door to the girls' room was already open and two year old Care Bear was missing. Hmmm. Not sure how that happened since she can't open doors quite yet, but alas I headed downstairs.
Sure enough, there by the light of the Christmas tree, I found my sweet Cary girl in all her poop glory.
I can't recall a morning in the last few months where she's woken up from her slumber with clean jammies. It's not always number 2, but she's ALWAYS wet. No diaper or pull-up can contain the sheer quantity of liquid she consumes in order to fall asleep. It's a problem. Unfortunately, changing the sheets and usually taking a bath has just become part of the wake up routine.
Oh well. This too shall pass.
I want to live in the moment and enjoy all that I can about this age. Though there are hard times, frustrating times, times I want to forget... What I don't want to forget is all my babies curled up in the living room at 6:15am this morning watching Daniel Tiger and asking to make banana swirl in the dim light of the Christmas tree.
May I always have a grateful heart for the things God has given me to steward.
I sure am thankful it's Saturday ;)
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