December was a whirlwind! In the month of December, we spent time in Tennessee, Georgia, Florida and Hawaii. All the Andersons spent the end of November and first day of December together at a cabin in TN, then we said good by to family for a bit and headed for Livingston, TN to visit the Williams.
Goodbye for now sweet Westley Berit! Auntie loves you so much, smiley boy :)
We left the cabin near Pigeon Forge and headed for Livingston--about 2 hours away.
Of course we couldn't just drive there without incident! The van started misfiring and we ended up having to get towed to a AAA shop.
Kahea came to our rescue and brought us all back to their house. Next, we got ready for dinner and ate at a yummy BBQ steakhouse! So yummy.
The next morning was Cary's 5th birthday! Ying had some decorations and a chocolate muffin to help the birthday girl feel extra special :)
We got to see the progress on their house and their property.
All of us going to the waterfall and stream area after Mike and I got to shoot some guns!
Love these two! Our next stop after we left the Williams' was Chatanooga, TN. We stayed in a hotel near the airport and grabbed dinner at Fazoli's. The next morning Mike had to be at the airport very early. We got up to take him and then came right back to sleep in some more. The day's weather was pretty poopy, so we just watched a Christmas movie in the hotel room that morning until lunch.
Our next stop was Snellville, GA to visit cousins! What a lovely visit with these six beauties ;)
They even put on some gymnastics/cheer shows for us! We went to church the following day with them and then headed back to Florida.
We made it back in time to make Grandma a chocolate birthday cake with panuche frosting on Monday, December 5th. She turned 64!
We spent lots of time with Audri and the Shepard kids. They are the sweetest! My girls loved spending time with them.
At Audri's house out in the Forest.
The famous yard sale that (mostly) Aaron put together for momma. We all chipped in to help on Friday and Saturday.
Lots of second cousin love. From left to right on the couch: Cary, Bella, Westley, Emma, Jack, Robby, Joshua, John, Lily, Kai and Abigail (on the floor).
The kids winter wonderland in the loft. Emma, Jack, Kaiden, Lily and Cary spent lots of hours on this beautification project ;) It would make Pepa proud!
The night before Aaron, Maddie and Westley headed back to Louisville. The moms with their current babies!
Mom and daughters :)
The girls with Wes ;)
Spending some time with the McElfreshs. Gunner, Cary and Lily showing off their giant pine cones. Long time friend, Brian, in the background :)
Watching the Grinch...
Another show in Aunt Marie's kitchen. They were kind enough to let us stay with them, and it was great!
Last moments in Orlando at the airport before we headed home.
And mommy promised them that this was going to be our very last picture in Florida for the year ;) I sure love my girls.
Once we got home, we jumped right back into the groove of life, starting with the Dive-In youth Christmas party!
Then the following Sunday, the kids sang "Go Tell it on the Mountain" in church.
Auntie Sue hosted a Frozen Birthday Tea for Joy Joy and invited the girls.
Our annual Christmas Party only included the ByrdRodePack this year.
The three amigas :)
The birthday girls on the morning of their birthday party!
An another cameo with mom. Love these 5 and 7 year olds!
Chuck E Cheese for Joy's actual birthday on the 23rd.
I wasn't feeling too great, but the kids had a blast :)
We passed out cookies on the evening of the 23rd this year and had some nice visits with Beth, Cliff and met the new neighbors Patrick and Jessica and baby Alaya.
Christmas Eve service at MBC.
Emma was tired, haha.
Mom and girls!
We had a few of the young adults over after the service for dinner and games. Lily even played Ticket to Ride with us!
Mike and Ape, Christmas 2022
'Twas the Night before Christmas and all Through the House...
Christmas Morning brings me such joy!
Emma's Christmas outfit for church this year.
Friends on Christmas Day!
Matchy matchy at Rest Camp on Christmas Day.
Wolfe family pic at the Christmas party.
We hiked Lulumahu with the Bailey girls on the day after Christmas I think.
Me and Deanna, since we never take "mom pics" lol
Kate, Emma and Lily at the falls.
After the hike they swam and put on a show for us. It was classic.
At some point we went to the Pineapple Park to skate.
And finally, New Year's at the Rodeffer's in Kapolei Knolls.
Donut Queen!
We left at 9pm, but had a blast!
We always love New Years in Hawaii! What a year! Goodbye 2022. Hello 2023.
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