Cary Hope Wolfe. What a little nut you are. I can't even think of a word or string of words that sums you up. You are a complex ball of emotions--sweet, spicy, and stubborn.
This little rascal turned FOUR today! I can’t believe it. We spent the day at the pool and beach with her besties. She sang to herself all day yesterday and today and cried when she opened her present tonight because it wasn’t what she thought it was going to be (sigh).
She puts us on a roller coaster of emotions, but we’re thankful God has given us this little human to love, serve and train up.
Praying your heart is one day stirred to repentance sweet girl. And in the meantime, I’m glad I get a front row seat to watch you grow and mature. We love you!
We also celebrated with a pool party with friends from family group plus the Byrds and Rodeffers. We had cake pops and a Daniel Tiger mini cake. Such fun memories!!
Oh, and I can't forget the injury you got the same week of your fourth birthday. You hyperextended your knee on the Byrd's trampoline and didn't walk for 11 days! I finally took you to an orthopedic specialist at Shriner's Hospital for Children to get x-rays and make sure everything was ok. You developed a mean "scoot" over those 11 days. I'm just glad they're behind us. Happy Birthday, sweet girl!
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