Lily Grace,
You are my first daughter, and my first child. Everything about the first year of motherhood, God has taught me through you! I am very grateful. I can already see a spark in you that will set those around you ablaze. A leader; an initiator; a girl who knows what she wants. I pray God uses that spark for His glory alone.
Only in the last two months have you allowed me to have those sweet moments of cuddle time with you. They don't last long, but you give us hugs now and rest your head on our chests to be sweet. Just last night, you had a bit of trouble falling asleep--which is quite unusual for you. I came in and rocked you for about ten minutes, and you laid on me the entire time. Totally calm and fully awake. It was the first time in 17 months that's ever happened. I basked in that sweet time, and soaked up every second.
As I was sitting there rocking you, I couldn't help but think of how things will change for us in the next few weeks. In just another month we will welcome your sister, Emma Joy, into our family and figure out how to function as a family of four. You won't be the center of attention anymore. And mom and dad's world won't revolve solely around you.
The beautiful thing is that you will never remember being the only child. You'll never know what it's like to get all the attention from us. You will have a sister, and love her, and never remember life without her. That makes me happy! But I will remember this year and a half... the unforgettable moments you've brought to me and your dad. You've taught us so much about love and patience and God's grace. Your rage, your screams, your smiles, your laughs and giggles. You are one of a kind, my love.
"Tickle, tickle, tickle... dig, dig, dig... bubbles... Buddy... bath... where's Lily... earthquake... drive, drive, drive... B-I-B-L-E... Daniel... snack... pray... tunnel... tent... milk... juice... Dada!"
These are just a few things that I want to remember because the look on your face when we talk about any of them is priceless. You smile the biggest smile and clap your hands that we got it right!
I want you to know how special you are to me. I've heard it said that love doesn't divide. It only multiplies. I guess that's something I'm about to find out in the next few weeks. I can't picture life with two little girls, but a year and a half ago I couldn't picture life with you. Now I couldn't imagine life without you!!
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