A snapshot I want to always remember. |
So yes, God is good, but not because I had a good week. Not because everything worked out for me. Not because my life is easy or because I really enjoy my family and don't have to work. God is good because that is truth. A truth I'll be lucky to remember if I ever stumble off this mountain top.
Yesterday, I shared a devotional with the middle school Sunday school class. It happened to be all boys that day... six of them. And I realized that I'm not even practicing what I preach. We talked about what it means to have a relationship with God. What is a relationship anyway? What does that look like? Time, communication, care, love, physical touch, etc. These were some of the answers they came up with. It seems logical, right? Sure, easy even. So why is it such a struggle to give God what he deserves? Why can't I give God my time? Why is it so hard to focus on him? What am I missing? Does it all boil down to spiritual discipline? I'll let you know when I figure that one out.
Until that day, I just have to rest in the fact that HE IS GOOD. His will is perfect, and he allows me to stray... but he always brings me back. For that, I am thankful.
God, keep me close to you. I pray that with each step I take, I'd lean more on you and less on myself. I'm praying Proverbs 3:5-6. Help me to trust in you with all of my heart (not just part of it). I don't want to lean on my own understanding (because I don't truly understand anything). Help me to acknowledge you in all my ways (even when I don't think it matters to you). Please direct my path. Today, tomorrow, and everyday.
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