April was a busy month, as usual, but full of so many great things! I've been feeling so much better this month. I'm finally having energy to exercise. School is plugging along, but we're doing it! We celebrated Palm Sunday with a keiki choir performance and many crafts throughout the month. The Schreff's were in town for Easter, so it was fun to see them. We celebrated Natasha and baby boy Byrd with a sweet shower at Colleen's. Just scroll through the pics and you'll see all we've been up to... <3
Colleen had the girls over to paint Easter eggs.
A great way to kick off this celebratory season!
The Keiki Choir performed "Hosanna, Loud Hosanna" on Palm Sunday. Lily was excited because she was old enough to wave a palm branch this year :)
After church, we met Logan and Amber at Chili's for lunch. Then they came back to our house for a few games.
We also dyed eggs at home. How can we not? Such a fun tradition!
Resurrection Sunday! What a glorious day to celebrate :)
Easter dinner in Makaha with the Schreffs!
White Plains with the Schreffs! It was so good to see them :)
KoOlina for Baba's Animal Birthday Party. Always a fun time with the Liftee-Kau's!
The Hudson's came over one afternoon before Adventure Club because Alyssa and I each made a lei po'o for our friends--mine for Natasha's shower and hers for her friend Char's birthday!
Then of course the shower the following day! The girls were so excited to participate and show love to Baby Byrd and Auntie Natasha.
Oh, and our pool got drained. This is day two of water being drained out.
Mike and I painted the garage door to match the rest of the house. Never a dull moment around here.
This is after all the water was drained out. We watched Ethan Weichauss that day and the Easter's came over so Laura and I could chat that morning. David plunged into the empty pool. Thankfully the liner had a little bounce in it. That afternoon, the Baileys came over too after our workout. I can't even keep up!
We had a Sunday afternoon surf sesh at White Plains with people from church. Emily Collins brought her go pro and caught these sweet shots of Lily!
At the beach, Emma and Taiyo got tossed by a wave and Emma got her front tooth knocked out. It was lost in the sand and she bit through her bottom lip :(
We started residing the garage. All of the siding came off and we finished it little by little into May.
We did a field trip/hike in Moanalua Valley with church peeps.
We got to witness Emily's public baptism and testimony. What an encouragement!
Love her so much! Can't wait for sweet Wesley to be born!!
Life with these 5 is sweet :) I truly appreciate them so much!
We celebrated Lyla and Etta Rae's 9th and 6th birthdays!
How are they so old?! These cuties are adorable too!
Sunday morning girl crew.
Tiff and Alissa lead a haku lei-making workshop after church on April 30th. The girls did their best! They realized how hard it actually is... My patience was tested, lol.