Summer at Home:
On June 12, we got to see baby JUNE! We had the Tau'as over to swim. Charles and Jasmine came, as well as Geli and Lahela. Aunty Tammie was able to stop by too ;)
We made several big trips to the Library! The girls love going to the library and really enjoy reading books :) Lily especially is reading so much on her own, I can barely keep up! Emma is a budding reader and we try to find books on her level to read to me.
From the looks of the next picture I guess we went to the Rock Park, also known as Sundial Park in Mehana.
In June, we also did the Upper Waimano Ridge Trail hike (in Pearl City) to the first tunnel.
Emma lost her first tooth in June, but it took FOREVER! This is a picture of the new teeth growing in, but the old ones hadn't come out yet!
Uncle Logan helped Mike get the new sliding glass door set for the second time. It slides open so much better and Mike has peace of mind knowing that everything is level, even and perfect.
While the guys worked, the girls and I went to visit Amber in town. We swam in the pool and Cary did her best swimming yet without a puddle jumper!
We brought Amber back home with us, and Abbey came to babysit the girls. The four of us adults drove out to Turtle Bay for dinner and a double date. It was a lovely day with a beautiful sunset!
Emma sleeping with the lights on full blast in her bed. Lily couldn't stand it, haha!
The next day was Father's Day and we celebrated Mike by watching him surf at Swabbies and bringing him Taco Bell and Mountain Dew, his fave!
The following weekend, we hiked Lulumahu Falls as a family. It was amazing and the girls did AWESOME! Afterward, we made a quick stop at the Pali Lookout.
This is a picture of Lily's so-called "failure." We think it looked great, but then it got knocked on the ground and a little figure fell over inside and there was no way to fix it... but at least we got a picture while it still looked nice.
On one of the Saturdays in June, we met Alissa Makaipo and her boys out at Makua. It was a beautiful day! Mike stayed home to work on the house.
The Monday after the beach, we had the Thiesings over to swim! We were watching Leia that morning too. What a fun day :) John loves our keiki clubhouse.
FINALLY, Emma lost her tooth. Momma had to pull it very hard with a wet wash cloth to get it out!
We got the solar panels reinstalled on the roof after Mike finished painting it. We asked them to come back to make them straighter. We're glad they did!
Leia came over for a play date and tea party!
Mommy started a new series by Tracie Peterson--the Song of Alaska. Mike is reading Wheel of Time, which is super long! 14 books, and each book is over 1,000 pages...
Auntie Alyssa hosted a sewing class for the girls at her house. We love it! So far, they have made pillows, stuffies, scrunchies, and bags. They've learned how to thread their needle, how to do the running stitch and the whipstitch. So adorable :)
Emma gave us all a laugh when she buttoned her sweater on the way to family group! She thought she was saving time, but actually took more...
I got a jumpstart on prepping for VBS Craft for July.
That's all we can remember about June. It was a blast and we had a great month. Wanted to make it to the beach a bit more than we did, but it was rather windy. It's not pictured, but we did go to Leftovers with the Pierce family on Kamamehameha Day, June 11.