We celebrated Lily's eight birthday with an art-themed party this year. We decided on three different crafts to do, I prepped the supplies before hand, and on the day of it was easy to just dive in and enjoy the day with all the girls. It helped that we had several older girls there to help the younger ones!
First, the girls made lip gloss. I don't think I took any pictures of the finished products, but it was very simple and easy. I ordered small containers on Amazon, bought a tub of petroleum jelly (Target brand) and several packets of unsweetened Kool-Aid mix. They used craft sticks to mix the contents together on a paper plate, and then transferred the lip gloss into the containers.
The second craft was a rainbow mosaic. I cut out rainbow shapes from a cardboard box I bought from Home Depot for $1.68. Then I used spray paint to make them all gold. It was a color I had in the garage from a project I never did, lol. While at Home Depot, I took the opportunity to grab several handfuls of paint samples from the paint department. I cut those up and used them for the mosaic tiles. Finally, the girls dotted and slathered glue on the cardboard and stuck the cardstock paint swatches in place. We added a little glitter to glam them up and voila!
The third and final craft was a painting we did using various acrylic paints. I found a cute template online that I printed and transferred onto a thin piece of plywood. Mike bought a piece from Home Depot that he said was around $12. I used his jigsaw and cut it into 12 equal pieces, then rounded and sanded the edges. Then I drilled two small holes into the tops of each piece and once the painting was complete we uses hemp to make a hanger. They did so great and even Cary made a masterpiece that's currently hanging by her bed!
Of course the trusty Oreo cupcake had to make its annual appearance for Lily's party. She wanted a pull-apart cake this year and I was all about it because that made the dispensing very easy. Overall, it was a great party.
There was lots of swimming and eating and enjoying this life that God has given us. Every year, I am grateful for the opportunity to celebrate these beautiful girls that God has given me and Mike to steward. What a gift!