Wow. It’s been so long that I don’t even recognize the layout of my own website. Yikes.
Life has been C-R-A-Z-Y these past few months. I feel like I’ve barely come up for air. The crazy part is that there haven’t been any huge life-changing moments. It’s just been regular life with three under five.
So, I wanted to post some pictures and highlights of this past month. I’m not about to make up all the time I missed in 2018 (posts were very slim), but I figured I should at least document December.
I decided to decorate right after Thanksgiving again this year. The tall outside tree was a new addition that we picked up at a yard sale a few months back. The girls got to decorate that one all by themselves And I made a fresh wreath out scraps I snagged from Home Depot!
We kicked off the Christmas season with a sweater party on December 1st at our friends’ house in Kaneohe… this was our 4th year attending! Always a fun time
On December 2nd, we celebrated this sweet little one’s first birthday. Post about that later!
On the 4th, we had some friends from the mainland visit for a few days (Leigh & Alisa), and of course we forgot to get a picture with them!
Then, on December 6th, Grandma made a SURPRISE visit!! Mike sneakily helped her plan a trip out here to surprise all of us Wolfe girls. And what a wonderful surprise it was!While grandma was here, we did lots of things… but here is a snippet of the everyday. The people have to eat, right? It was nice to have her here to see our “normal.”Though throwing a double party is definitely not “normal,” we often host friends and enjoy having parties. Somehow, we were able to throw a successful double party for Emma and Cary in the mix of the excitement of the Advent season! More about that later.We also continued our weekly preschool Co-op at our friend’s house. The kids focused on the letters “O” and “P” and made “O”rnaments to give as “P”resents out of beads and pipe cleaner.We attended a fun little cookie swap at church for moms with littles. The kids had fun on the playground and had way too much sugar Grandma supervised cookie making, and the girls loved it!Grandma also volunteered to babysit for us. She cleaned the house and watched the girls while Mike and I enjoyed a 7 hour date! We hiked and had a relaxing car ride. We ate an uninterrupted dinner and saw (part of) a movie. What a treat!The night my mom left, we also had our annual Christmas Party. We forgot to take a picture when everyone was there, but remembered before we ALL dispersed. It’s always a fun time hanging with friends On December 23rd, we took our little Candy Canes around the neighborhood and delivered homemade cookies and Christmas cards. It’s become a family tradition since we’ve had kids. We ran into some other neighbors that night too who where delivering goodies and decided to walk door to door together. How fun!Then, on Christmas Eve morning, we went to the water park together for the first time. It was a little chilly, but no one seemed to mind. Everyone had a blast!!At some point after Christmas, we did a family adventure on the Westside and explored Makua cave and beach. Afterwards, we enjoyed a yummy dinner at our favorite family restaurant–Taco Bell The girls had a friend over to spend the night between Christmas and New Years. They all stayed in the playroom together and of course had the time of their lives.And finally, on New Years Eve we got together with these amazing families! It was perfect. The kids played well, they popped a few fireworks and we watched as the city exploded with colorful lights and sounds. If you’ve never spent a NYE on Oahu, it’s truly a sight to see! I know it’s not December, but on New Years Day, our friends, the Byrds, hosted a mommy and me Tea Party. It was DARLING and I HAD to share!So stinkin’ cute!