Thursday, December 28, 2017

Emma Girl is Two!

Family Updates

Emma Girl is Two!

Last weekend, sweet Emma turned two!  It feels like just a short time ago we were bringing her home from the hospital.  With a full head of hair and a quiet demeanor, Emma came into our lives and fell right into a rhythm with our family. Now that we’ve welcomed baby Cary into the mix, it’s especially hard to remember what life was like before we had Emma! 

This year, we started the celebration off on her actual birthday which was a Friday.  She woke up to Cinnamon Rolls, balloons and presents laid out on the dining room table.  With her birthday just a few days before Christmas, we are going to have to be intentional and work extra hard at making her special day meaningful.  But when they’re so young, it’s really not that hard to feel like awesome parents.  I mean, two balloons and store bought cinnamon rolls and we were golden ðŸ™‚
After breakfast she opened up her presents from us then we proceeded to do some errands around town.  Later that evening we met up with some people to hear a friend play music at a local venue on the water.  The girls loved it, and danced the night away!
Saturday morning we invited a few families over to celebrate Emma’s Birthday in the backyard. They swam for a little bit in the frigid water and played in the yard all morning.  To have a successful party for a two-year-old, all you have to do is bring the INSIDE toys OUTSIDE and provide hot dogs, chips and cupcakes!  It was a nice time of fellowship for the parents and a blast for the kids!  

You are a gift from the Lord.  We never want you to forget that.  I am so grateful that God chose us to be your parents, and gave us the incredible job of raising you to know and love Him! 
You are talking quite a bit these days and have an excellent 3 1/2 year old teacher that you learn from each day–for better or worse.  You’re not really interested in counting, but you’re learning colors and some shapes.  Purple is your favorite, but pink and blue are a close second. 
You love baby dolls and cereal and playing at the park.  You love your new tricycle and baby stroller.  Every morning you wake up and say, “I’m hungry, mommy.” You eat the rainbow marshmallows out of the Lucky Charms box and the purple sprinkles off pink glazed donuts.  You most definitely inherited my sweet tooth and love for snacks!  Your favorites are fruit and chips. 
You love accessories–shoes, bags, backpacks, hair bows, etc.  When you hit those tween years, we are really in for it…
You suck your thumb and just got off bottles a month ago.  You still love your milk, but we make you drink it out of a sippy cup now.  You have a toddler bed, but choose to sleep in the crib still.  In a few months baby Cary will kick you out of the crib, but for now you like the feeling of confinement (which is fine with us).
You are such a sassafrass, and have started to copy your big sister lately when we ask you to do things.  Your new favorite phrase is, “I don’t want to!”
You love going to church and playing with your friends in Puggles, and you especially love the church playground! 
Your new neighborhood friend is now your BFF and you talk about him every day.  You also love to hold baby Cary and talk to her repeatedly. 
Your hair is gorgeous and you get complements on it all the time.  I, too, wish I had your locks! 
We love you, Emma Joy, and pray for wisdom daily in raising you as unto the Lord.  We love your snuggles and your sweet smile!  Can’t wait to see what year three has in store…

Monday, December 11, 2017

Cary's Birth Story

Family Updates

Cary’s Birth Story

It’s amazing, really, how fast time flies. Exactly one week ago, we welcomed sweet Cary Hope into our lives and hearts.  Over the past seven days, we’ve made a few adjustments and I’ve had some sleepless nights.  But all in all, I couldn’t be happier.  God’s faithfulness abounds, and it’s true that his mercies are new every morning! I’m so thankful for a healthy family, a husband who has the flexibility to take so much time off of work, and parents who just flew in from Florida to be with us during this time of transition.  
At the moment, it’s just me and the babe lounging at home on a Saturday morning.  Mom, Dad and Mike took the girls to hunt for yard sales.  Of course they had their purses in tow, stuffed with two dollar bills from grandpa!  They were just itching to find treasures to buy.  I hope they do!  What a simple yet profound thing it is to sit here in my quiet house while Cary sleeps and be allowed this time to jot down her birth story!
Cary Hope Wolfe was born on December 2, 2017 at 12:25am.  She weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces, and was 21.75 inches long. Waiting for the actual moment seemed like ages, but now that she’s here it seemed like a blink.  
Just as I did with my other two girls, I wanted to record her birth story while it’s fresh in my mind.  Details in the memory fade over time, so I want to remember everything for Cary’s sake.  Care Bear, this is for you:
My due date with Cary was December 3rd, so basically since the week of Thanksgiving we’ve been on alert.  Lily came two days early and Emma arrived eight days ahead of schedule, so I had a feeling she’d come in November.  She obviously had other plans.  I had my 38 week appointment with Dr. Kawelo on November 16th, one week before Thanksgiving.  Everything looked good, but when she checked my cervix, I was only 1cm dilated and still pretty high.  I saw her again the next Tuesday, the 21st.  I didn’t want to give birth on Thanksgiving, so I opted to not be checked that day.  We also got invited to a wedding on the 25th for one of Mike’s co-workers and were really looking forward to going. Well, Thanksgiving came and went along with the wedding, and still no Cary!  
My next appointment with Dr. Kawelo was on November 30th, a Thursday.  I thought for sure this was the day!  Mike accompanied me to the appointment to help with the girls.  The doctor asked me if I wanted to do the membrane sweep like I had with Emma, but I told her it depended on my body’s progress.  When she checked my cervix this time, it hadn’t changed in two weeks!  Still high and only 1cm dilated.  I opted not to do the sweep since my body didn’t seem ready.  I’ll admit I was a little distraught.  We talked about another appointment and when we’d induce if it came to that.  She told me all about how induction works and it just sounded awful!  I didn’t have to be induced with Lily or Emma, so I really didn’t want to have to go through that with Cary.  I was praying she’d come naturally when she was ready.
I didn’t feel much different that day or night, but the next morning I started to feel some tighter pains.  They didn’t quite seem like the real deal yet, but I could tell my body was getting ready.  I took the girls to our annual MOMS Club cookie exchange on Friday morning.  There, a friend gave me some Evening Primrose Oil.  I took two capsules and ate a ton of cookies!  Afterward, I stopped by my favorite Thai restaurant and ordered Curry Pad Thai with extra spice!  That afternoon I was very anxious for Mike to get home from work.  At that point, it was really hard to help the girls with food and snacks and naps… and their whining was really getting to me.  When he came home I was super relieved!  The neighborhood kids all played outside in the cul-de-sac and my friend Kayla offered to give me a pedicure and food massage!  What a gal ðŸ™‚ Whether she hit a pressure point or not we’ll never know… but by the time five o’clock rolled around I wasn’t sure if Mike should go to AWANA with the girls or if we should be heading to the hospital.  I was timing my contractions, but I could still do stuff.  So, I kept busy with laundry and making dinner, etc.  The contractions were coming more frequently, yet they were still sporadic if that makes any sense.  I’d have a painful one, then it’d be 18 minutes before another one came.  Then the next might have only been 6 minutes later.
Anyway, I decided to drop off the family at church around 6pm.  After some encouragement from friends there, I went home to rest by myself instead of walking around the store trying to get things moving.  I timed the contractions while sitting on the couch watching TV and waited until it was time to pick up the fam at 8pm.  By that time, I had decided it was time to head to the hospital.  We got home, put the girls to bed, cleaned the playroom so the spare bed was accessible for the night, and asked our neighbor to come sleep at our house.  With impeccable timing, we rolled out of the driveway around 9:30pm.  On the 35 minute drive, I had about five or six painful contractions.  And by the time Mike dropped me off at the front of the hospital they were coming every four to five minutes.  
I was taken into triage quickly (around 10:15pm) and all the friendly nurses and aides got me hooked right up to the monitors.  I was super nervous when the nurse checked my cervix this time because I really didn’t want to get sent away.  Low and behold, even though I was still high, she said I was about 6cm dilated and they planned to admit me.  Praise the Lord!  No walking the halls or bouncing on balls.  I just had to get through the contractions for a little bit longer and wait for the epidural!  Dr. Harvey came right in and introduced himself as the O.B. on call for the night (since my doctor is part of a group).  I said I was ready to get the epidural as soon as they admitted me.  I didn’t want to miss my window like I did with Emma’s birth.  Of course, they had to do my labs and insert the IV and have me sign a bunch of paperwork.  It seemed really quick though, and by 11:15pm I was in a delivery room with a wonderful nurse named Katrina and a delivery team that was prepping for Cary’s arrival. The anesthesiologist was this sweet little Asian thing, but she was all business. Everyone raved about how she was the best they had.  Though she finished quickly, I wasn’t feeling much relief and I could still feel my feet and legs thirty minutes later.  As the tears streamed down my face even after I was given the epidural, the nurse could tell it wasn’t really helping.  I guess medicine doesn’t have as much of an effect on me as it should.  It wasn’t until I was given another three doses that I started to feel some relief, around midnight.  And good thing, because just as my legs started to go numb, my water bag started bulging out on it’s own.  It literally looked like a balloon coming out of me!  Everyone marveled for a few seconds because apparently a bulging intact water bag is a rare sight.  (Side note: It’s funny that my waters have never ruptured on their own with any of the three pregnancies).  The nurse called Dr. Harvey and the resident who actually delivered baby.  They ruptured the water bag, and on the next three contractions little Cary emerged at 12:25am! 
What a beautiful thing to witness.  I’m thankful for the epidural because I was able the enjoy the moment so much more than with Emma.  That moment when your baby gets placed on your chest is so surreal.  You just can’t imagine what this human child will look like.  Though she was growing inside of my womb for nine whole months, I didn’t know her.  I couldn’t picture what she’d look like, smell like, feel like… then, in an instant, all of my questions were answered.  All of my wondering quenched.  As I gazed into her newborn eyes I was overwhelmed with gratitude and thanksgiving for baby Cary, but also for our Creator.  What a wonderful gift that God would grant sinful humans–the ability to conceive and bear a child.  And what more of a miracle that Christ–the living God–seated in Heaven before time began, would humble himself and take on flesh, totally dependent on sinful humans to care for his every need as a newborn baby.  It makes me think of the line in the popular Christmas carol, Hark the Herald Angels Sing:
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see
Hail the incarnate Deity
Pleased as man with man to dwell
Jesus, our Emmanuel
Hark! The herald angels sing
“Glory to the newborn King!”
I know in the next few months and years we’ll experience mountains and valleys.  There will be hardships, days I’ll want to pull my hair out and punch someone in the face, but also victories and many reasons to rejoice.  Through it all, I pray that God would be glorified and we would lead a life pursuing holiness. I pray that he uses my girls to refine and sanctify me making me more like Him!
Cary girl… you are loved.  Now here are some pictures to savor!

Friday, November 17, 2017

The Girls’ Room

Projects Updates

The Girls’ Room

I wanted to share the transformation of the girls’ room.  It’s so fun (at least for me) to look back on how things “used to be.” 
I was one of those kids growing up who loved to look at photo albums of myself as a baby and toddler.  I think I even said once to my mom that I wished I could “hold myself as a baby.”  No joke, Lily has already said this to me on multiple occasions.  I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!  Granted, things are a little different these days.  I don’t have albums printed out.  Instead, she’s swiping her fingers on our desktop and clicking away at pictures and videos of three years ago.  But the concept holds true.  I loved remembering (through photographs) how things used to be.  From decor and carpet color to themes and curtains, bedspreads, canopies, jewelry boxes, books… I remember it all thanks to the pictures my mom snapped during the process.  I even remember that she painted my name (in purple) in the back of my closet as a little girl when she first did my room.  It was there until the day I moved away for college [sigh]…
The point is, I want my girls to have that.  This is just one of the reasons I’m sharing these pictures!  The other is that I worked hard [literally] on painting things and deciding on colors.  I about killed myself in the heat of the day taping off and using the spray gun to paint the bunk bed while 7 months pregnant.  I truly hope all three of the girls can share this room for a while, because that part was NOT fun.  I know it’ll change again eventually, but I’m excited about the next few years!  Here’s the “before” picture of when it was first Lily’s nursery just three and a half years ago:
Next, when it was just the two girls:
And here’s a very cramped version of the transformation for three little girls:
After calculating it all out, the transformation cost approximately $350.00.  Which kinda seems like a lot to me, actually, but it does include all the paint and the little “extras” like bedding, decor and such.  I went into it thinking it’d be MUCH cheaper, but things add up quickly!  Here’s the breakdown:
Bunk bed from a friend on FB – $100
New twin mattress from – $80 + $40 shipping (boo)
White changing table from a friend who moved off island – $Free.99
White crib from a friend who moved off island – $Free.99
Dresser from a friend who moved off island years ago – $Free.99
Toddler bed from the side of road – $Free.99
Handmade sign from garage scraps by yours truly – $Free.99
Can of white Rustoleum chalk paint from Home Depot – $16
New dresser knobs from Amazon – $10
Target bookshelf – $17 on clearance
Twin bedding set from Craigslist – $25
New toddler sheet from Target (not pictured) – $10
New crib sheet from Target – $10
New changing cover from Target – $15
Purple curtains from Ross – $15
Purple toy bin from Ross – $8
Teal picture frame from Ross – $6
Purple material from Wal-Mart for hoop craft – $4
This is by far the most nesting I’ve done during pregnancy.  At least it feels like it!  I have one final craft that’s not complete yet.  It’s going to be an old surfboard that I’ve painted white.  I plan to put all their names on it in different colors and hang it above Lily’s top bunk.  Maybe I’ll post about it when I finish if I can remember…  I should probably focus on having a baby first, but my mind is all over the place.
Ok, here are some better shots of the room!  Not the best quality though.  It’s also pretty cramped as you can imagine with places for three girls to sleep in a tiny room and all their clothes… but thankfully we don’t plan to keep toys in the room, so that should cut down on the clutter!  As you enter, pics start on the left and go counter-clockwise.  Enjoy ðŸ™‚  

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Almost There

Family Updates

Almost There

You guys… I feel SO out of shape. It’s hard getting off the couch these days.  Rolling over in bed HURTS. EVERY. TIME.  I’m out of breath when I make it half way up the stairs.  This third pregnancy is really taking it out of me!  Sometimes I feel like she’s trying to kick her way out of my navel.  Yikes.  Yet, here I am… almost at the end… and not sure if I’m ready to make that leap from two to three children.  So much of my sanity will depend on this tiny human inside of me.  Will she be a wild and crazy newborn with so much to say like her eldest sister.  OR, will she sleep and snuggle in her car seat or swing for hours at a time like Emma?  Only time will tell.  I’ll be 37 weeks tomorrow, so the countdown is on!
Either way, I know God will give me the grace that I need.  Both of my girls have lived up to their names in their first year of life. 
Lily Grace taught me daily to draw from the well of God’s graciousness.  I needed his grace EVERY DAY to make it through the screaming and fits of rage.  Not that I don’t still need his grace every day, but he chose to make it plainly clear every hour of the first 3-6 months of motherhood with my Lily Grace.  It was a very refining season to say the least.
Emma Joy was just that.  She was God’s way of bringing pure joy into our hearts and lives through a smiley faced sweet heart.  My snuggle bug.  My happy girl.  My thumb sucker.  My content newborn.  
The cards are pretty evenly stacked now as they’re almost two and three and a half, but that first six months… whew.  We shall see how Cary Hope lives up to her name in her first months of life.  I’m curious and also very nervous, but I know and trust that God is sovereign and in complete control.

These last few weeks and months I’ve been in full-on nesting mode.  I think I’m even exhausting my husband with all the projects I’ve done and am currently doing!  Here are a few examples:
  • Sanded and painted a bookshelf for the living room, then added contact paper to the backing
  • Added contact paper to the glass portions of our existing TV stand
  • Painted and put together a bunk bed for the girls’ room
  • Sanded, painted and changed hardware on the girls’ existing dresser
  • Cleaned and swapped out cribs and changing table in the girls’ room (white theme)
  • Put together a small bookshelf from Target for the girls’ room
  • Changed the color scheme and theme of the girls’ room to include a homemade sign and multiple craft projects
  • Tracked down new curtains, sheets, comforter, and changing pad cover to match theme (mostly on Facebook marketplace!)
  • Sewed curtains for the laundry room window
  • Sewed new pillow cases for the mini pillows in the girls’ room
  • Painted letters for one final craft I need to put up in the girls’ room
  • Created a hallway photo gallery to the downstairs (and sliced my finger in the process)
  • Purged some toys from the playroom to make things a little less crazy
  • Framed some pictures I have yet to hang
Just sitting down and writing it all out makes me feel more accomplished!  This weekend we plan to start getting a few things out of the attic that need to come down.  Things like the car seat, mama roo and swing.  And I still need to track down a bassinet to borrow for a few months too.  Funny how I’m not as worried about it this time around.
Welp.  That’s all for now.  It’s been a while since I’ve posted and I’ve kind of missed it.  Yet as you can see… I’ve been busy.  I’m sure I’ll be back on at least once before the big day.
Happy November Everyone!
April ðŸ™‚